Homeschooling allows you flexibility in your family schedule. We decided to take two days during the week off when my husband is off. This works out really well. The boys get so much more time with their Dad now. Although, we have a 4 day a week schedule, this also means we have to do school one day a weekend. Depending on Birthday parties, friend get-togethers etc., the weekend schedule is never set.
So today we did school, but finished quickly! I got all the laundry done, ironing, vacuuming, Friday sheets day accomplished yesterday. I was downright productive! So I am doing NOTHING today. Well, almost nothing. It's fun to ME. I'm blogging, pinning on Pinterest, all while having Green Tea & watching Sense & Sensibility! What could be better?
You can see it in the background. I just adore it! The music, the cinematography, landscape, clothing, ladies are ladies and gentleman are gentleman. Not to mention, the designer in me goes nuts for the paint colors, furniture, table settings...ahhhhhh! It is a sensory heaven!
Watching these movies always make me want more silver. I finally dug out spoons I have collected over the years and put them in a bud vase on my coffee platter. Something about it makes me giddy...& feel more Girly!
Add the fire in he fireplace and I'm in Jane Austen heaven!
I hope every Mom, working Mom, Homeschooling Mom, Stay-At-Home Mom, New Mom, ALL Moms take one day a month or more, to do NOTHING! It does the soul good to rest, be put on idle and recharge. It makes you a better person and Mother to give yourself ME time once in a while.
Have a GREAT Weekend and Drink Tea....
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