Saturday, March 8, 2014

Whirlwind Week Recap ~

The last week was so jammed with "STUFF", I had no time to breathe!

This was extremely evident by the 5 loads of laundry I finished on Thursday night....WOW!

Do you ever have those weeks where someone asks, "What have you been up to?", and you really have no clue...but, you know it was busy? I start to feel like I have memory loss, when people ask me and I can't remember...but I know it was busy!

Then, I sit down and realize what ALL I did, and get tired thinking about it.

So, what did we do?

Here is my very random post of events!

Preston will die if he finds out I posted this picture...

Preston, poor guy, had 4 teeth pulled, to make room in his mouth. Here is the AFTER. Less than thrilled!


Then, we had more ice! It looked like it wasn't going to be a major event, but ended up shutting things down for a day and a half! This was it, just beginning...


During the cold, I had a moment where I saw Preston in his flannel, and it reminded me of a picture I had of my Dad in college. As they get older, I think the both look so much like my Dad.



Sometimes making time for grocery shopping feels like a huge chore....albeit necessary!

While out doing errands yesterday; after going to the math tutor, schooling, and golf lessons, we made a quick stop for groceries at my favorite store Central Market. As we were quickly maneuvering the aisles, we were stopped and asked if we homeschooled by one of the vendors.

{ I guess it's a dead giveaway, when your out-and-about, before schools out for the day.}

Turns out he and his wife also homeschool! We shared stories of how much we both love homeschooling our kids, and that was all while my boys were falling in love with their Happy Tomato salsa.

So a big shout out to Happy Tomato Fresh Salsa! As you can see, it's going fast! It's only been 1 day...


Finally, I'm sharing a few pictures of my pets. Sometimes in the hustle & bustle of the day, it's nice for me to just stop. And watching these crazy characters, keeps me smiling!
While the boys were busy with their school work, I was catching up on lesson planning and emails. Then, I looked over and saw all of this going on in plain sight...yet, oh so covert!

Scarlett our cat, acts like she hates Bonnie chasing her, yet....she taunts her!

Bonnie is trying DESPERATELY, to ignore the urge to chase her!

Scarlett hides from obvious places.


And yet, both dogs know they aren't allowed to chase her...while Mom's they watch...and WAIT!


It's hard to ever get mad with these cute faces staring back at you! Darby is the Yin to Bonnie's Yang. They are really so sweet together.

Darby could care less what Scarlett does...Bonnie is obsessed!

Thank you for letting me ramble off my crazy, not so important week.

Now back to more laundry...does it ever end?


Have a GREAT weekend!


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