Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thistle Hill Ranch ~ Ranching!

While the dream was to live in the country, live a simpler life, grow food, raise farm animals, run through a meadow...just kidding! No really, I had the dream of all those things; but, the reality is, it's hard work and a lot of learning.

Glen, my husband, knows so much about all of this. He was in Ag and FFA in High School, raised cows and horses too.

Me? Well, when I was little, I played with a Fisher Price farm set, had toy horses and rode on the King Soopers dime horse in Denver, pretending I was in a meadow, LOL!


This has been, nothing short of baptism by fire. I'm a fast learner, but this is ridiculous. Yes, Glen knows all about this, but he HAS a full time job...and it's not at Thistle Hill Ranch.

That means I'm now officially ranch manager, and everything in between.

I now know how to drive a tractor, know what a heifer, mare, colt, filly, jenny, & jack, are. I now have a favorite stall pick too! I have hand picked stool samples from the horses to deliver them to the vet for worming or no's not glamorous, but it's VERY rewarding...especially, when everything at the ranch works as it should, and all animals are healthy.

Is this too much information???

There's so much to learn in a short period of time, and Monday was one more learning curve.

Prepping our momma heifers for Artificial Insemination...

We have to get them cycling together, that's what this was about...

Birth control, and a shot. Then, in exactly a week, we take out the birth control device, & give them another shot. Then 3 days later, artificially inseminate them with an Angus Bull. This is because Charolais cattle are so HUGE, they tend to have to have their calves physically pulled by a vet. With an Angus bull, the Angus are smaller and therefore they'll have smaller calves; therefore less likely to be pulled. Easier on our mommas, and cute grey babiestoo. YES, we will then sell some of the calves for beef.

It's a process I'm learning and able to share with our boys. Wish me LUCK!

I hope I didn't freak anyone's animal husbandry, farm & ranch life at its' finest! But, I promised to share my new life on Thistle Hill Ranch!

I can't wait to see these babies this October!

Have a Great Rest of Your Week From Thistle Hill Ranch!


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