Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thistle Hill Ranch Happenings

Our week has been crazy busy. I guess that's why I haven't blogged in a week.

Here is a quick summation of the week:

We had their orthodontist visit, an hour and a half away, on Tuesday; and that always seems to mess up our flow for the week. But we were able to do our flex-day classes and even finish Art.

They were doing seascapes learning about the layering of colors. They seemed frustrated at first and then, they really got into the project. I was really pleased with their work. It's one of those projects that always comes out nicely and you really can't "mess up". Therefore, they aren't so consumed with how it looks and are really learning the techniques.

This was our inspiration art from my Pinterest Board " Art Ideas for Homeschool"
Here they are displayed, in our Art Display Frame.


Wednesday, we had our driveway resurfaced, mowed our front meadow across the creek, with the tractor, and it looks so much better! Then, as he was mowing, I picked up trash from passerby's on the road....always pleasant..UGH!

We were able to break for lunch and decided on a picnic in our back pasture. We threw a big basket of food, folding table and chairs in the Kawasaki. Then, at the suggestion of the boys, they wanted to picnic in what they call, my circle of trees. I guess I mentioned wanting a picnic there someday enough, that they indulged me. It was so relaxing and such beautiful weather, it couldn't have been more perfect. Landen said that he swears everything tastes better at a picnic.
On Thursday, Glen and I were able to get more of the, still leftover ranch trash, from the previous owners, picked up and were able to make a dump and recycling run.

Then, with an empty trailer, we were able to get cattle and horse feed. He and the boys stripped and cleaned the stalls too, so all is clean and fresh. Due to my asthma, I let the guys clean tge stalls and I caught up on laundry and started dinner.

The list of "Ranch To Do's" are still long, but getting shorter.

I love getting things accomplished, I'm a do' getting things organized, clean, and orderly make my heart SING!

Here are a few photos of our week...

Now I'm finally able to prove who keeps knocking down the urn at the pond...I guess I will have to move it, sigh...

Today the weather has turned to cold once more and rainy. I stocked up on good food, and new ideas for school next week.

So as I sit by the fire with our cozy Westies, I hope your weekend is just as cozy.

Stay Warm and Have a Great Weekend!

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