Monday, December 15, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

So...what happens when your iPad shatters and you're a "one way Charlie", and only like blogging on your iPad? Well, you don't Blog. I also had my boys trying to talk me into, {pressuring me}, to look at other devices other than my iPad. Then, I became overwhelmed with decisions on whether "To Fix or Not to Fix"!

I Fixed! It just took forever to get time and make the efforts fix it. I don't live exactly close to every store anymore. I was lazy and extremely busy with the ranch and homeschooling.

But, now I'm back!

Now,...where to start?

Do you want to hear about homeschooling 6th and 8th/11th grade in the country?, Or, our new "country life" and how it's going?, Or, maybe decorating tips and pics?

Well, how about a dash of all 3?

We love the country life! The boys have been in horseback riding lesson for 6 months now and look so comfortable, as if they've been riding forever. We bought another horse for Preston's 14th Birthday, that they both share for riding. It's a mare, (female horse), I'm learning the proper lingo. She is so sweet, and she bonded to our boys almost immediately. We brought her home after 2 months of training, last week. She is right at home here at Thistle Hill Ranch.

Preston named her Bailey.

These are pictures of her at Kyle Ranch, where the boys were getting lessons.
This one, is the day we surprised Preston with Bailey. He had NO clue...I couldn't believe we pulled that surprise off.

This is Landen riding her in the round pen.

Preston and Bailey at home at Thistle Hill Ranch. This horse is just so sweet! We are very thankful to Kyle Ranch for finding the perfect horse for our boys, and to Martin the most patient trainer.

We had to ween Duke, our colt, from Sandy, his mother, our other mare. I think that was harder on me than Sandy and Duke! But, now Sandy has a friend in Bailey. Sandy is due in a couple months with a new baby colt or filly. We can't wait! Our first baby, to be born at Thistle Hill Ranch!

Sandy is on the right and Bailey on the left, sharing alfalfa. They now have separate hay/ alfalfa buckets...Bailey turns out, doesn't really like sharing, Ha!

Here are a few other pictures to catch everyone up!

Thanksgiving at Thistle Hill Ranch with my sister and her family.


My boys, Preston and Landen

The cousins

Nosey Charolais heifers!

Thanksgiving table, complete with a pumpkin pilgrim.

Turkey leg goodie bag.

My handsome husband and brother-in-law, with Buster Bear, their golden-doodle.

Landen and Daisy
Glen moving the tractor in his work clothes, LOL! It was SO "Green Acres", I couldn't resist a picture.

Landen and Daisy...oh...and the cows. Landen shares his snacks, and it shows!

Harvest picnic table. of the nosey cows!

The swing I begged for, and EVERYONE in the family loves!

Come back soon! I'll be writing about homeschooling this school year, posting pictures of Christmas at Thistle Hill, and I have been working at sprucing up our barn. I will show before and after pictures very soon. It's almost done...I'm so excited. It's the small things.

Happy to be back blogging...y'all come back soon!

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