Well, I try to keep busy indoors! Unfortunately, having asthma and trying to stay healthy when it gets up to the high 90's into the 100's, like it does every year in Texas, it can be difficult.
I just try to get organizing done, clean out closets, prepare for school, and of course decorate!
Or...I could just take advice from Darby, and cool myself on the concrete floor!
On our leather ottoman for watching movies, I put out some roasted peanuts. My neighbor Marla had some peanuts in a darling glass jar along with a basket lined with a red gingham napkin, for the shells, on her patio. I usually have chestnuts or pecans during the Fall, but hadn't had peanuts in a long time. I had to copy and have them out for my boys. All 3 of them LOVE it! Thanks Marla for the inspiration!
My Mojito Mint plant is growing like crazy, and started to bloom. So I pinched of all the blooms, saved some leaves for Mojito's last night...OF COURSE!...and put the blooms in a little vase. I love how great it smells too. The Mojito was AWESOME! Helps cool you off too....wink!
I put some apples in a basket, instead of a bowl, on our kitchen table. I thought it felt more like Summer...Although, all I need to do is open the door for a second to know what season it is!
Also, I realized I may not have posted pictures of the kitchen dinette, since I moved the cigar box table behind the bench. It actually made it more comfortable to sit on the bench. Also, more functional for the head chair to move more freely. My poor guests kept bumping into the cigar box table. It was time to move it!
You may notice the birds are gone. Our guinea pig too. My asthma has become too severe to keep our mini zoo. I have to find a home for our cat, the biggest issue for my lungs. I am heartbroken. But, sometimes we have to do what is best for our health, even though it isn't easy. But for now Miss Scarlett our cat is here until we find her a good home. Darby can stay the Dr. Said because Westies are low to no shed and low to no dander. So thank goodness we can keep 1 pet!
I bought this great wicker tray with leather handles, on clearance for $12! It was from Save On Crafts. http://www.save-on-crafts.com/
They even had the dried cotton stalks for great prices. I was overwhelmed at all the neat stuff the had. I had to get the tray! And I LOVE it!! So it's on the dining table for now.
I added Glen's Father's Day gift, the magnifying glass, and the kids wasp-hive to our sofa table. They love having that kind of stuff around. I like it too, it's so amazing how these animals make paper-like combs.
I found this REAL orchid plant at Kroger yesterday for $7.99! I had to get it. Now I just hope I don't kill it. I still have my Mother's Day orchid alive...phew!
Have a great weekend and stay cool! I know the rest of the country is suffering from the heat too!
Happy Decorating!
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