Monday, July 22, 2013

Motivational Monday: Do you Worry?...Too Much?

Sometimes I feel like that's all I do...WORRY! Do I have everything for this coming school year?, Did I forget something?, Do we have an appointment I'm forgetting?, Did The kids take their vitamins?....Did I take mine?....ugh!! (I joke about the vitamins...all Moms out there know what I mean, it's all the little things that add up to one BIG worry!)

There is NOTHING life pressing, nothing critical, nothing devastating. So, why do I worry so much? What can I do to make myself stop worrying. Then, I realized it's the "pending".... Things pending, are things to be done, to be organized, to be cleaned, etc. etc. etc. drives me NUTS!!!

Then, I came across this on Pinterest. I am a huge believer in making your own destiny. Making your own happiness, even when times in my life it felt like there was no hope, I still had faith that with God's help and me DOING...I could get out of any sticky, awkward, or horrible situation life handed me. There was always hope!

I grew up Catholic and our family motto was "hand it over" as in, hand it over to God. Whatever your belief, sometimes we have to just let go, and believe in ourselves and if you believe in God, then also hand it over to God.

Yet, I still coped with heavy situations by worrying and planning, then more worrying and planning. But, when I saw this, it really hit home. We can't change the outcome!

However, through the toughest moments in my life, when there seemed to be NO hope, I knew I couldn't change the outcome, but with effort, I could change my future.

I wasn't a victim anymore! And, I was no longer a victim of my life circumstances!

So, forward, I have the best husband of 13+ years, two beautiful, loving, kind boys, a beautiful home, and wonderful friends and family. Why worry? Worrying is toxic. It turns into me not sleeping, constant frustration, dissatisfaction, and ultimately a state of unhappiness.

I decided I needed to stop worrying and take care of me!

I'm eating better, exercising, and trying to remind myself that "pending's" will get done, no matter how much I worry. Life will go on if I forget an appointment, kids vitamins, etc. etc.

Life goes on... So we might as well relax, take one day at a time and only worry about living a good, honest, loving life! The rest will fall into place.

Happy Motivational Monday! Have a good evening, relax, and stop worrying! Believe in yourself and remember, God is there........


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