Monday, June 3, 2013

Motivational Monday~ Henry David Thoreau


I love the quotes I've been finding on Pinterest {I put them in my "Inspirations" Board}. I try to find things that make me think, reflect, or feel grateful. I guess that comes from the amazing Literature/Novel and Philosophy courses I took in college. I loved digging deeper into what the author was trying to convey to the reader.

This quote from Henry David Thoreau is Simple & True!

How many times have we heard LIVE and have no regrets and follow your dreams. But, I guess today's times...that's a heck of a lot easier said than done! But, then again is it? I guess all of us have lofty dreams like winning the Lottery and buying a house in the middle of 200 acres...ok, that's MY lofty dream.

Then there's the daily, very achievable dreams. For instance, homeschooling so your kids have a true childhood, or somehow redecorating your house using only what you have and it still looks NEW! Ok, those were MY daily dreams too.

These are the daily dreams that because life is so busy, too many social pressures, not enough hours in the day, etc. etc., that we give up!

But, when I read this yesterday, I said to myself..."Isn't it funny how life's "DREAMS" become to-do-lists that end up crumpled in a junk drawer and forgotten." Why? Are we lazy, tired, overworked, overwhelmed, all of the above?

That's when I get GOING!!! I look in magazines, Google, Pinterest, anything I can get my hands on to prove to myself either why I can't, or what I'm up against to make it happen. I exhaust all options before letting it go. This usually means I never let go.

My friends and family joke that I always get what I want. To me it's finding anyway to follow my dreams. Whether its flea markets, junk shops, or endless internet shopping for the perfect item that mimics what I saw in a magazine or Pinterest, as being the perfect vignette or perfect room.

Like This....

Pinterest, on my board for Homeschool Help & Tips: The Inspiration Homeschool Room.... {Can you hear the angels singing? I certainly did when I saw this space!}

My Homeschool Room...Also on my Pinterest board Homeschool Help & Tips:

Obviously not the same, but the table I found at Ikea, had a similar feel for our school room. There's even the raw board underneath with books for reference on it, and a bench. I couldn't find a bench under $70.00, so I opted for the one I already had.

Or saying over and over again through the years that the space to the left of my fireplace really needs a baby grand piano. I might as well be the Lottery; but, 10 years later, my husband found one, in the garage of a piano tuner. He was selling it for UNDER a steal...For my Christmas present this year!

In it's permanent home: {notice...or please DON'T!, the light bulbs out in the chandelier...dang 20 foot ceilings and a 8ft. ladder, with bulbs out at almost 12' = won't cut it. I have to call in the pro's for that one!}

But, you get the point. I think a lot of us, just stop at, "it's too hard, too much work, or simply can't be done".

I know I have shared this story before, but here I go again....

My Great Great Grandfather in his late 90's, with a 4 or 5th grade education, said to my Dad, who had come home from college, (telling his Great Grandfather all about college), and my G.G. Grandfathers reply..." That's funny Blair, you keep telling me how college has taught you, what you can't do. I didn't know I couldn't do anything, so I did EVERYTHING!" He died 2 months shy of his 101st Birthday a millionaire, having started a bank and a mortuary, both of which were very successful. Again, with a 4 or 5th grade education. He didn't know the meaning of the phrase, "you can't".

I think sometimes society, family, and friends are our worst enemy. Not to mention that sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Personal Sabotage! We listen to others telling us or convincing ourselves, that it's too much, too hard, or simply can't be done. The answer is actually a question....


Once you start asking "why?", then you are obligated to give an answer and "because", isn't good enough. Then, you too will feel the need to get going. Proving why you can or can't. Trust me, you will find more often than not, that it CAN be done!

So my newest take my children to see my Grandparents, my Aunt & Uncle, and my Dad, in Honolulu.

Here is Grandpa, Uncle Dougie, & My Dad Blair for my Uncle's 60th. Thanks to my beautiful cousin Sarah for posting these on Facebook.
My Auntie Leah & Uncle Dougie, the best Aunt & Uncle EVER!!
My Tutu, {In Hawaiian, Tutu means grandmother} & my Dad. She is one of the strongest and most inspirational people I've ever been lucky enough to Love and Learn from. Thanks to my awesome Step-Mom Joyce for sending me this picture! I love it!

This trip would be to show them all the awesome family history of Irish, Scottish, English, and Hawaiian relatives that were born & raised there. Letting them get to know people that were and are a part of my life, that helped me be who I am today. They helped shape me. I'm proud of that!

I was born there in Hawaii and I truly feel a connection each and every time I set my feet on the islands. I want my kids to know and feel it too! Unfortunately, it has been over 13 years for me.

So....I keep Hawaii dreaming!

Maybe I'll see my Nana's home again....

Or, see my Tutu & my Tutu Freeth's old home again too....

But, until then, Thoreau was right.... I will live confidently in the direction of my dreams, and be thankful I am homeschooling, enjoy my boys playing our beautiful piano, and maybe someday....I can see my family in the islands again. I Just keep Dreaming!

Aloha...and May you follow your DREAMS.................


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