Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How does your garden grow?


In Texas the Spring weather is short and hot Summer heat hits quickly. Finding the perfect window of opportunity to plant Summer flowers in Texas, is almost a fine art. You have to get them in and established before the heat, but not to soon that you can get a freak freeze like we had in late April! So I had to make some decisions where our Summer flowers in the front yard were concerned. Our tree was under siege from burrowing bugs at the trunk and a woodpecker on the top. Now it is possibly dying!

I was afraid to put in too many new plantings, in case we had to chop the tree down and start over. Then, there was the case of the Liriope that was planted when we built the house. One type of Liriope is for shade and another is for sun. Well, you guessed it...they, (our original landscaper when we built the house), planted shade loving around the whole perimeter of the bed and the Liriope that was in the shade survived. I have tried for years to fertilize, transplant, etc. and to no avail.

So, time for a new plan. But, that means dealing with the tree dilemma.


So I dug up all the Liriope....well, my lawn guy did. My asthma this time of year requires major reinforcements! Glen and I decided just one color, a few vincas and hold off any other major plantings. I know it's very bare, but at least it's clean and neat...not chaotic.


Then I spiced up my center pot. I always add a fern on either side of the front door, but the center urn between the garage doors, is always a struggle. High heat, sun and let's face it...I forget to water everyday. I found heat tolerant and sun loving plants and went crazy. Maybe this year, because it is visually more interesting, I'll remember to water it! I really like it this year...and I actually planted this one! {The white powder is to fight ants...so many darn ants this time of year}.


Now...what to do with the Liriope....

I have always wanted to put it around my fountain in the back. Finally I could make that happen. Luckily, it is shaded in the afternoon heat. I also created a new flower bed along the creek bed with some of the left over Vincas and Liriope.

I love how it turned out and how it looks from the patio too!

Here is my trick for an impromptu flower bed over grass, I learned this from Pinterest. You put down newspaper. The newspaper kills the grass and helps keep grass from growing up. I had already done this for the flower beds on either side of the outdoor fireplace. I had enough Liriope to add to those beds as well. I was so excited!


I expanded the flower bed a bit after stepping back to see it. I really feel it turned out well, it finally anchors this corner of the creek bed. You may notice the sad boxwood at the back of the bed, It was attacked by ants, but still trying to live. I'm hoping it will thrive here!


I had to add a few more picture of the yard in full bloom. Our Texas lilac trees are going nuts and give such beautiful color to our yard. Not to mention, all the hummingbirds and butterflies are now reconvening in our Summer garden.

Our yard felt nice before, but this is our first Summer with the Great Wall of Privacy, a Tee-Pee, and vegetable garden. It really feels like it truly reflects our family now. Comfortable, relaxed, and fun!


Note: I am working on a really fun project of 4 darling little girl. They needed freshened up bedrooms and hang-out space. I can't wait to share it with you all!

I am also tackling our school room this Summer to rework a few things and freshen it up. The boys are busy with Summer workbooks and piano lessons, so I can takeover the school room without being completely intrusive. So, come back soon, for before and after pictures of all these great rooms!

Happy Summer Gardening and Much Luck with your Summer Projects!


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