Friday, June 28, 2013

Playroom and Little Girls Room Redo & Reveal~

It has been a very busy couple weeks. I've been designing, organizing, and organizing some more! I had my clients darling little girls playroom and two bedrooms. Then, I had the brilliant idea to empty our schoolroom and start over.


I guess, that no matter how much I plan, summer still goes by too quickly and I was not going to start our second year homeschooling unorganized or unprepared. Why I decided to do it at the same time I was designing another home...I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment, or nuts!

But, after all that planning, IKEA let me down. Saying items were in stock that morning of and my client showing up when the doors opened to find they were out. IKEA delivering to my clients home and missing two chairs. IKEA saying they'd inform us within 48 hours of where the chairs were.........4 days later WE had to call! Only to wait on hold for an hour, only to find out they were out of the chairs. WOW! I was so frustrated! Bookshelves pulled for quality issues, etc. etc.

How do you beat IKEA prices we WAIT....patiently....well, somewhat patiently.

So I'm still waiting on two chairs, four bookcases from IKEA. Also, a few other finishing touches that just could not be accomplished in 8 hrs. of decorating. I still want to show you the progress and the somewhat finished project.

I will share our school room soon! But for now, here is the darling playroom and little girls rooms I had the pleasure to work with.





The gap in between the bookcases and the gap to the right of the right bookcase, is for the missing thin bookcases. But, these bookcases sure made a difference already in getting the girls organized. We are also missing the darling chandelier that will be hung soon over the tea table. It is SO cute!!
This little kitchen will surely be well used by the youngest of the four. She was so excited she could reach her new shelf, with her cooking essentials.

The new study area is waiting for school to begin, even if the girls aren't quite ready. But I will say, they were thrilled with being able to have all they need for school and crafts at their fingertips and easily found. They even loved the little chalkboard for messages to each other.

The tv area is unfinished, but i will show it finished soon! The long desk you can barely see above, is a great study area for all 4 girls and is also not quite finished. I can't wait to share it all complete. It is already shaping up to be a great play & work space.

Before: Lavender Room~ {somehow I forgot a Before of the pink room} but it too, is still in a stage of unfinished beauty. But, I have a feeling you will get the idea of where it is going.



The beautiful drapes are almost done, but we can wait...hmmmmmm! Notice the monogrammed pillows with the girls first initials, that share the room. They also got one bookshelf each for the collectibles and favorite books. It sure feels cozy!

Fabulous storage, not so fabulous lighting...but, that will make the final reveal even sweeter!

Pink & Green Room:

These adorable green toile drapes, chair and ottoman were all set out for a Craig's List listing. But, thank goodness I was able to grab them before she put them up for sale. They were perfect for this pink and green harlequin painted room. She even had leftover fabric for a custom bolster.


Fireplace mantle is awaiting a wash of white paint, then to be secured in place, a faux crackling fire to be painted, and a few more accessories...but, isn't it a cute room? She was so happy when I showed it to think how she will feel when it's complete!

The girls were so adorable and appreciative. I sure love working with this family. I can't wait for it to all be finished!


What are you doing this summer?

When it gets unbearably hot in Texas...I get designing & organizing! Then, I can play when the weather is better.

{I swear I wasn't trying to rhyme, I guess I'm just THAT sleep deprived!}

See you soon for our refreshed schoolroom reveal! It turned out to be a calming and inviting space. The boys actually wanted to do work and it's still summer. That's a good sign!

So check back soon...

And as always....Happy Decorating!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How does your garden grow?


In Texas the Spring weather is short and hot Summer heat hits quickly. Finding the perfect window of opportunity to plant Summer flowers in Texas, is almost a fine art. You have to get them in and established before the heat, but not to soon that you can get a freak freeze like we had in late April! So I had to make some decisions where our Summer flowers in the front yard were concerned. Our tree was under siege from burrowing bugs at the trunk and a woodpecker on the top. Now it is possibly dying!

I was afraid to put in too many new plantings, in case we had to chop the tree down and start over. Then, there was the case of the Liriope that was planted when we built the house. One type of Liriope is for shade and another is for sun. Well, you guessed it...they, (our original landscaper when we built the house), planted shade loving around the whole perimeter of the bed and the Liriope that was in the shade survived. I have tried for years to fertilize, transplant, etc. and to no avail.

So, time for a new plan. But, that means dealing with the tree dilemma.


So I dug up all the Liriope....well, my lawn guy did. My asthma this time of year requires major reinforcements! Glen and I decided just one color, a few vincas and hold off any other major plantings. I know it's very bare, but at least it's clean and neat...not chaotic.


Then I spiced up my center pot. I always add a fern on either side of the front door, but the center urn between the garage doors, is always a struggle. High heat, sun and let's face it...I forget to water everyday. I found heat tolerant and sun loving plants and went crazy. Maybe this year, because it is visually more interesting, I'll remember to water it! I really like it this year...and I actually planted this one! {The white powder is to fight many darn ants this time of year}.


Now...what to do with the Liriope....

I have always wanted to put it around my fountain in the back. Finally I could make that happen. Luckily, it is shaded in the afternoon heat. I also created a new flower bed along the creek bed with some of the left over Vincas and Liriope.

I love how it turned out and how it looks from the patio too!

Here is my trick for an impromptu flower bed over grass, I learned this from Pinterest. You put down newspaper. The newspaper kills the grass and helps keep grass from growing up. I had already done this for the flower beds on either side of the outdoor fireplace. I had enough Liriope to add to those beds as well. I was so excited!


I expanded the flower bed a bit after stepping back to see it. I really feel it turned out well, it finally anchors this corner of the creek bed. You may notice the sad boxwood at the back of the bed, It was attacked by ants, but still trying to live. I'm hoping it will thrive here!


I had to add a few more picture of the yard in full bloom. Our Texas lilac trees are going nuts and give such beautiful color to our yard. Not to mention, all the hummingbirds and butterflies are now reconvening in our Summer garden.

Our yard felt nice before, but this is our first Summer with the Great Wall of Privacy, a Tee-Pee, and vegetable garden. It really feels like it truly reflects our family now. Comfortable, relaxed, and fun!


Note: I am working on a really fun project of 4 darling little girl. They needed freshened up bedrooms and hang-out space. I can't wait to share it with you all!

I am also tackling our school room this Summer to rework a few things and freshen it up. The boys are busy with Summer workbooks and piano lessons, so I can takeover the school room without being completely intrusive. So, come back soon, for before and after pictures of all these great rooms!

Happy Summer Gardening and Much Luck with your Summer Projects!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Motivational Monday~ Henry David Thoreau


I love the quotes I've been finding on Pinterest {I put them in my "Inspirations" Board}. I try to find things that make me think, reflect, or feel grateful. I guess that comes from the amazing Literature/Novel and Philosophy courses I took in college. I loved digging deeper into what the author was trying to convey to the reader.

This quote from Henry David Thoreau is Simple & True!

How many times have we heard LIVE and have no regrets and follow your dreams. But, I guess today's times...that's a heck of a lot easier said than done! But, then again is it? I guess all of us have lofty dreams like winning the Lottery and buying a house in the middle of 200 acres...ok, that's MY lofty dream.

Then there's the daily, very achievable dreams. For instance, homeschooling so your kids have a true childhood, or somehow redecorating your house using only what you have and it still looks NEW! Ok, those were MY daily dreams too.

These are the daily dreams that because life is so busy, too many social pressures, not enough hours in the day, etc. etc., that we give up!

But, when I read this yesterday, I said to myself..."Isn't it funny how life's "DREAMS" become to-do-lists that end up crumpled in a junk drawer and forgotten." Why? Are we lazy, tired, overworked, overwhelmed, all of the above?

That's when I get GOING!!! I look in magazines, Google, Pinterest, anything I can get my hands on to prove to myself either why I can't, or what I'm up against to make it happen. I exhaust all options before letting it go. This usually means I never let go.

My friends and family joke that I always get what I want. To me it's finding anyway to follow my dreams. Whether its flea markets, junk shops, or endless internet shopping for the perfect item that mimics what I saw in a magazine or Pinterest, as being the perfect vignette or perfect room.

Like This....

Pinterest, on my board for Homeschool Help & Tips: The Inspiration Homeschool Room.... {Can you hear the angels singing? I certainly did when I saw this space!}

My Homeschool Room...Also on my Pinterest board Homeschool Help & Tips:

Obviously not the same, but the table I found at Ikea, had a similar feel for our school room. There's even the raw board underneath with books for reference on it, and a bench. I couldn't find a bench under $70.00, so I opted for the one I already had.

Or saying over and over again through the years that the space to the left of my fireplace really needs a baby grand piano. I might as well be the Lottery; but, 10 years later, my husband found one, in the garage of a piano tuner. He was selling it for UNDER a steal...For my Christmas present this year!

In it's permanent home: {notice...or please DON'T!, the light bulbs out in the chandelier...dang 20 foot ceilings and a 8ft. ladder, with bulbs out at almost 12' = won't cut it. I have to call in the pro's for that one!}

But, you get the point. I think a lot of us, just stop at, "it's too hard, too much work, or simply can't be done".

I know I have shared this story before, but here I go again....

My Great Great Grandfather in his late 90's, with a 4 or 5th grade education, said to my Dad, who had come home from college, (telling his Great Grandfather all about college), and my G.G. Grandfathers reply..." That's funny Blair, you keep telling me how college has taught you, what you can't do. I didn't know I couldn't do anything, so I did EVERYTHING!" He died 2 months shy of his 101st Birthday a millionaire, having started a bank and a mortuary, both of which were very successful. Again, with a 4 or 5th grade education. He didn't know the meaning of the phrase, "you can't".

I think sometimes society, family, and friends are our worst enemy. Not to mention that sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Personal Sabotage! We listen to others telling us or convincing ourselves, that it's too much, too hard, or simply can't be done. The answer is actually a question....


Once you start asking "why?", then you are obligated to give an answer and "because", isn't good enough. Then, you too will feel the need to get going. Proving why you can or can't. Trust me, you will find more often than not, that it CAN be done!

So my newest take my children to see my Grandparents, my Aunt & Uncle, and my Dad, in Honolulu.

Here is Grandpa, Uncle Dougie, & My Dad Blair for my Uncle's 60th. Thanks to my beautiful cousin Sarah for posting these on Facebook.
My Auntie Leah & Uncle Dougie, the best Aunt & Uncle EVER!!
My Tutu, {In Hawaiian, Tutu means grandmother} & my Dad. She is one of the strongest and most inspirational people I've ever been lucky enough to Love and Learn from. Thanks to my awesome Step-Mom Joyce for sending me this picture! I love it!

This trip would be to show them all the awesome family history of Irish, Scottish, English, and Hawaiian relatives that were born & raised there. Letting them get to know people that were and are a part of my life, that helped me be who I am today. They helped shape me. I'm proud of that!

I was born there in Hawaii and I truly feel a connection each and every time I set my feet on the islands. I want my kids to know and feel it too! Unfortunately, it has been over 13 years for me.

So....I keep Hawaii dreaming!

Maybe I'll see my Nana's home again....

Or, see my Tutu & my Tutu Freeth's old home again too....

But, until then, Thoreau was right.... I will live confidently in the direction of my dreams, and be thankful I am homeschooling, enjoy my boys playing our beautiful piano, and maybe someday....I can see my family in the islands again. I Just keep Dreaming!

Aloha...and May you follow your DREAMS.................


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy Sunday~

My Beautiful Lavender, showing its resilience through the bizarre weather changes this Winter and Spring. So glad it's blooming! This is just one of the two varieties I have and thank goodness they are all doing beautifully.

This is my Texas lilac tree or purple vitex tree. This is one of my yard favorites. I have two of these. They bloom from late Spring all the way through Fall until the first freeze. They are just starting to bloom this year and are just gorgeous!
They are so hardy here in Texas. You can keep them as a decorative bush or grow them to trees. I cut the blooms all Summer for color inside my home.

Happy gardening & have a wonderful Sunday with your family and friends ~


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Three Catholics Go to a Bar Mitzvah...

No, it's not the beginning of a joke....

Most of our friends know my husband Glen is Jewish. I was born and raised Catholic, went to Catholic school from Pre-School through High School. Translation... I wore plaid for 12 years, Pre-school & Kindergarten is free dress, ~

When Glen and I talked marriage, I asked to raise our future children Catholic and he graciously agreed. But, I found it very important that they also grow up learning about the Jewish Religion and Culture. It is after-all how their father was raised.

After doing some family research, I found my Great Grandmother Thelma Auerbach-Borthwick was raised by a Catholic Mother and Jewish father of which both later converted to Protestantism. Pheeew! That was a mouthful!

Who knew??? And how cool for the boys to find out that my Great-Great Grandfather Auerbach's father also had a Jewish school in Germany.

On May 18th, Our nephew Jacob, had his Bar Mitzvah, {Glen's siter, Sheri's son}. I was really excited for the boys to experience this coming of age event, for their cousin. I was excited for myself too! I had never been to one either.

The event was three days. There is a Friday night service and family dinner. Unfortunately due to my stop in Springfield to see a Dr., we arrived late in Kansas City and missed the service. We did however make it to a fabulous Bar-B-Que dinner.

Saturday morning was the actual Bar Mitzvah service. It was two hours long. Glen could no longer talk about the hour long Mass and the amount of standing and sitting we do....they beat us by a landslide!

The boys even got to wear yamakuhs for the service.

Here we are before the service in our hotel eating a quick breakfast.

Here are my boys and Jacob photo bombing in the background, Ha!

Then it was followed by a Kiddish luncheon. This was to celebrate The Shabbat or Sabbath. It was DELICIOUS!!

That evening is also the PARTY! This is really for the kids. They are themed to whatever the kids want. Jacob is a 4th of July baby and he wanted a patriotic theme. He wanted Red, White, and Blue with Camouflage too! It was great fun and a wonderful way to get the family together. We had a blast!

Here is my husband Glen, his Dad Ralph, his sister Sheri, and sister Hannah.
Here are the cousins after a long night of Partying!! Natalie, My Preston, Madeline, Jake, and my Landen.
This picture was across from our hotel The Aloft, where all of us from out of town stayed. It was in Overland Park/ Leawood Kansas. This is artificial turf that in the winter, turns into an ice rink. Hannah doesn't look 23 or like a gal working on her doctorate at Harvard. She looks like a teenager! Someday she'll appreciate this!
The tiny chair Landen was in, was cracking us up!
This is from the Picasso aquarium store.
It was right next to our hotel in Overland Park/Leawood Kansas.

We had to leave right away the next morning and missed the brunch. But, we had a wonderful time and what a great experience for all of us. I loved hearing the service in Hebrew and was SO impressed with Jakes hard work and maturity. He thanked each and every one of us for coming to his Bar Mitzvah. He made the boys feel very welcome throughout each event. Preston and Landen remarked numerous times that he even seemed older! We were so proud of him. It was also so nice getting to know Brian's, (Sheri's husband), wonderful family. They were all so kind and welcoming. We felt like we had known them our whole life.

The trip was too short, but very fulfilling. We were so glad everyone got together for such a wonderful celebration. I was proud to be there and grateful for the experience for my boys.

Glen and I had our marriage blessed in the Catholic Church by a wonderful Monsignor. One of the first things he said to Glen was, "Glen, a lot of Christians and even some priests, forget Jesus was Jewish. Without Judaism, there wouldn't be Catholicism." I was glad he said that, I have repeated that line many, many times! Christianity is based on Judaism. The Old Testament is part of the Torah, or to Jewish people its the Only Testament.

So once again, I'm repeating, you have to know where you come from, to be able to move forward in life. This is also true in Religion!

Thank you for letting me share our Jewish adventure!

And a BIG Thank you to Sheri, Brian and Jake for having us to such a beautiful celebration and for making us feel so welcome. We look forward to this coming March, celebrating Natalie's Bat Mitzvah.

To Many More Family Adventures! It's Summer time...Make memories as a family and share!

Happy Memory Making!