Monday, May 13, 2013

Motivational Monday~

My Pinterest Inspirations Board Pick....

I love this quote. Let's be honest, I love Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her stories of life as a child and adult in the days of pioneers is heartwarming, harrowing, and inspirational.

Funny how some things don't change! Her message is still current and meaningful.

I'm hoping to convince my husband to go through her Missouri home on the way to a family event in Kansas City, Missouri, but even if time doesn't permit, I will know I'm traveling near where she and her family traveled, when trying to find "Home". The boys and I watched the movie "Beyond the Prairie" on her story. The boys sneered at the idea and then ended up enjoying it. It really brought to life the lives of pioneers and struggles they went through, just to survive! A long winter means stock up at Wal-Mart, back then, it meant using left over hay for firewood when the wood ran out. Life was scary and unpredictable. But, when you only know what you know, I guess it's normal.

I just hope I always learn to enjoy the simple pleasures and be happy with what I have. Life is too short, and in comparison to the late 1800's, too easy to complain. Life may be busier and more complicated now, but isn't that even more of a reason to take a step back and BREATHE?


These are my two reasons to Breathe....

Happy Inspirational Monday!

*Don't forget to check out my Pinterest Boards for Decorating, School Help, and Organization Ideas and Much Much More!


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