Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is special to me, not because of the gifts or special treatment, but because I look at my beautiful boys who gave me that title.

I know every mom says this, but, I'm the luckiest Mom in the world! I have two handsome, smart, kind, and loving boys. They make every day an adventure. They are such a joy to be around and I really mean it! They are so much fun to be with.

So every May, I try to thank THEM, for making me a Mom, and also thank God for choosing me as their Mom.

In keeping with the "April showers, brings May flowers", I brought my May flowers inside to enjoy. And in true Jennifer Style...I had to rearrange and freshen up the house a bit.

Here are a few photos of my tea roses and little Spring vignettes.

The Kitchen table centerpiece....

On the center island...

Oh....and my pot roast in the slow cooker....Mmmmmmmmm!


No, the fruit isn't real, but I still like them, {Smile}.

This is my dining room buffet, where I added a lamp and a beverage tray.

I brought the blue scarf back to the dining room and some spring like flowers on the table....

My tea roses at the entrance!! I LOVE Them!

Mr. Darby wondering what I'm doing, running around the house and not paying attention to him.

On my living room ottoman. This is the wasp nest the air conditioning man found in our air conditioning unit outside. I had to save it, isn't it awesome? And the beautiful roses my husband gave me.

The side table in my living room. This horn I bought for $6.00 at an antique mall. Such a steal!

Happy Mother's Day! Rest and Enjoy Your Family and Home, {even if your not a Mom, we all need rest and family time.}

And as always....Happy Decorating!


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