Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thistle Hill Ranch

So, why the long wait between posts? Well, we moved to the country!

I can't believe it, but our dream of country living actually came true. We had talked about it off and on for years; but, there was always a road block. Suddenly we were out looking at properties for giggles, and then it happened...the perfect property! It was close enough for my husband to commute to work, in fact, the same distance he was driving before. It had a modest barn, and home that wasn't too fancy, as to drive up the cost. But more importantly, it gave us goosebumps!



The property has trees everywhere, a pond, a spring fed creek winding through, beautiful wildflowers and wildlife. We were sold!

Only one problem, we had to sell our house, pack, and move in less than 2 months. Well, we sold our house in a week, I was packing like a maniac, trying to finish up our homeschooling for the year, all while my husband was being moved to a new community and therefore, couldn't take time off...UGH....double UGH!

But, we made it!

It was bitter sweet leaving our home of over 10 years, but we were ready for our new beginning in the country. I had us moved in on a Saturday, unpacked, pictures hung and settled by that following Tuesday afternoon. But, I couldn't have done it without my sister Heather helping me unpack all day that Sunday, and my boys taking load after load of broken down boxes, and stuff for storage to the barn. We have been here enjoying country life for almost a month.

Yes, Miss Bonnie, (on the left), and Mr. Darby,(on the right), love it as much as we do! Getting used to seeing cows and a donkey...well, that may take time, Ha!

{We have plenty of space in the backyard, but I had to put the chaise and coffee table I built, out front under these two trees. I actually use it a lot. The shade is perfect and being up on the little hill, it gets the most perfect afternoon breezes.}

We bought some Charolais heifers, ie. female cows, and one "Jenny", otherwise known as a female donkey.


I am somewhat new to all these terms. It's funny how quickly it became part of my everyday vernacular.

We named our donkey Daisy, and she watches over the herd and loves my boys...and the treats they give her doesn't hurt the bond between them. We couldn't believe when she got delivered, having been bought sight unseen, that she was white in color like our cows and incidentally our dogs too! Funny how life works out, I have monochromatic animals, with the exception of our cat, Miss Scarlett our tiger cat. My husband jokes that I was trying to decorate the outside too, LOL! We may be crazy, but not nuts, Ha!


Life is more quiet, and moves at a much easier pace. We know it will take lots of work to get this place back up to speed. The property was owned by one family for over 150 years. The family built a "new" house in the 80's. It really is in great shape, and the 90 year old owner had put in granite in the kitchen and master bath to update it. She is just amazing...I'm not convinced it's not something in the water around here...everyone looks and acts MUCH younger than their age. Maybe it's true what they say about country living...or I just need to drink out of the creek... that was my friend Marla's idea!


We are trying to get used to a new way of life, new responsibilities, and the fabulous morning view has been a dream! I will post pictures of our new RANCH soon...I was out voted on using the term "Farm". We drove up to the Ranch after we had purchased it, and the hill was covered in purple thistles, large and small. Glen and I were married at Thistle Hill in Fort Worth...I literally about cried. To me, it was just one more sign that this place was meant to be ours. So we named it Thistle Hill Ranch.


So Welcome to Thistle Hill Ranch! We will be raising Charolais cattle, 2 boys, a donkey, 2 Westies, eventually some horses, and (not necessarily in that order), and hopefully in the next year or so, building our dream farmhouse.

I hope you check back, to see updates on improvements to the ranch, (inside and out), ranch shenanigans, and balancing it all while homeschooling. Our Thistle Hill Ranch website is still in its developmental stage, but there, it will have our cattle information.


Happy 1st Day of Summer and Stop by Thistle Hill Ranch Again Soon!


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