Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy First Day of Fantabulous Fall!

Does it get any better than Fall? I'm really not sure.

Leaves change colors, the glow outside is a little more golden, we emerge from our cocoons of air conditioned homes to feel the crisp of the northerly winds, we start baking because....well, just because, and the best part of ALL.....Fall Decorating!

I love the pumpkins, gourds, ghouls and fall leaves gracing our doorsteps, and table tops. This means mulling spices simmering on the stove to get me in the mood and practically wishing the weather to dip into the 80's....

{Well, it is Texas...we don't see Fall weather until the end of October to early November. So, I'll take the 80's over 93+ any day.}

Fall is fabulous and I decided even though pumpkin shopping is scarce, I couldn't wait. So until my beautiful blue pumpkins come in....we have more hues of orange.

Have a Great First Day of Fall!

I can't wait to get my blue pumpkins to add to the fireplace hearth. The orange pumpkins will go on our back patio....ahhhhhh, it's so close to finished. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, family is now laughing if they are reading this!


I found this chalkboard print from Pinterest...the bummer is I forgot to pin it after I printed it...sorry!

I'll try and find it and pin it to my Fabulous Fall Decor Board.



Had to try this idea I found on Pinterest. I had the hat and a plastic pumpkin in need of help. The handwriting could be better...but, oh well, hopefully no one stares at for too long...grin!




Our schoolroom Fall additions.


On our ottoman in front of the sofa.



Landen working hard, but loving the touch of Fall in our schoolroom.


It helps to add a bit of historical significance to the history of All Hallows' Eve and witches. I'm glad we were able to visit Salem a few years ago. It really was neat to learn more about, well...a sort of shameful part of our American history.
Our little skeleton has played a pirate, just a skeleton, and now a colonial gentleman. Hmmmm, I wonder who he'll dress as next year? We love him!


The patio is getting there....the marshmallows may have been too's not quite cool enough and yes, the chocolate is missing because, they too melted...oops! I just get too excited and too ready for Fall weather activities... like s'mores!

Happy Fall and Fantabulous Fall Decorating!

When my blue beauties come in, I'll update the photos. See you soon!


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