Sunday, March 3, 2013

Motivational Monday

Thinking of Spring? Maybe Spring planting for your Summer garden? So am I...

I found this on Pinterest and pinned it to my Inspirations Board. I felt it to be very true! When you plant a seed, you fertilize, water, and really does require hope, faith and commitment.

Funny how something like an herb and vegetable garden, also reflects our life's goals. We plants seeds for our relationships, careers, children, religion, etc., and then nurture and wait. Life requires, hope, faith and commitment.

Sometimes the plants are stunted, get frozen by a freak freeze, scorched by drought, or even neglected by the reluctant gardener.

{I was so happy that some of these survived our Winter! My poor broccoli looks neglected and sad. But, this makes me excited about planting the new seasons "crops".}

So when you plant those Spring garden crops, think of those relationships and life choices you have committed to. Are you nurturing them? Even if you've neglected them, it's never too late to start working on them again.

I love this time of year. I'm always ready for a fresh start, in the garden and in my heart.

Happy March and Happy Gardening in your Life!


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