Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Easter is a time of renewal in our spirit & hearts and for the Earth.

We had beautiful Mass this morning, and family brunch. It was a great day to reflect and spend time with those that matter most...Family!

I hope you all had a wonderful day too!

Here are a few pictures of our Easter decorations this year...{That I should have posted earlier...Sorry!}

A little more simple this year, but I keep hearing with homeschooling our first year, decorating at ALL, is an accomplishment, LOL.




Happy Spring, Happy Easter, & Happy Decorating!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Gardening

Spring has sprung,

The grass is green,

And all the little birdies sing,

All the little bees-eez buz, like little bees-eez always does,

And as I sit and long for you,

I know that Love...Has hit me too!

~{I couldn't find the Author}

I learned this poem when I was little. I searched online for the poem and the Author, to no avail. But, it always makes me smile and ready for my Spring garden. I love Spring! My roses starting to bloom, the wisteria blooms popping out, and Spring animals coming around, all are exciting signs of Winter being over.

But, in true Texas style...if you don't like the weather, wait a minute. We had 70's & 80 degree temperatures for a week. Then, I plant all my veggies and OF COURSE...we had a freeze coming for yesterday and today...EEEK! The weatherman keeps remarking how unusual this is. I knew it was the equivalent of finally getting around to washing your car, and then...the unexpected rainstorm comes!

But, burlap is now covering my precious plants. They are now well prepared for the freaky weather.

So, what did we plant?

  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Peppers
  • Leeks
  • Collards
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Lemon, Lime, and Orange Trees
Then, we decided it was time to hang some drapes to block the evening sun. The Summer heat gets insane! The drapes will help tremendously. I am hoping to reinstall the misting system we used to have. It really helped bring down the temp. on the patio for more outdoor living. So that will be the next project.

We had a lot of cleanup, rearranging, and sprucing to do. So I wanted to share the Before/Rearranging pictures too. We did this all in one day....I do NOT recommend that! I'm still taking Advil...I'm not 20 anymore! But, it was worth it. The boys have even wanted to hang out there more.


There you can see the drop cloth from Home Depot 12' X 15'. With a little hot glue,(for making the pocket for the rod, I don't sew...don't judge, LOL!), closet rod 14' long,(leftover from my Mother-in-laws home's construction=FREE! Thank you Janice!), and a handy husband = A more private, shaded, and cooler patio.



We still were getting around to sweeping the patio...excuse the dirt!




Our poor grass is still dormant. But, I see signs of life.....


I'm still looking for the little bistro set for my "Back 40". I guess the search is on...Spring is here and now the true test...Can I really grow vegetables? I guess we'll find out. Wish me luck!

Happy Spring! Happy Gardening & Happy Decorating!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Motivational Monday

I guess today is an Albert Einstein kind of day! I found these and they just so happened to be the 2 Life Lessons that I have been talking about with my boys lately.

Life is filled with so much interference! Some are positive & negative influences in all our lives. But, in the mind of 10 & 12 year olds, this can be hard to differentiate and navigate life around.

These influence come from friends, family and other people we meet. These people have words of advice, show the boy's by example, and of course, there is also the everyday circumstances we all experience, that come to shape who we are...Good & Bad! I think we all strive for perfection and fear making mistakes.

I believe the key to raising children that are kind, responsible, understanding and successful, {children who will become adults that we would want to be around ;-) }, is teaching & showing them by example that:

  • No one is perfect!
  • You WILL make mistakes...the key is to learn from them.
  • You won't win every contest, competition, game or job position you enter, play, or apply for. And....That's OK!
  • We are all here on this planet for something. If we don't find our calling right away, then we keep trying everything until we find who we are and where we want to be!


As Albert Einstein said in these two quotes, happiness lies in goals, not things, and making mistakes is part of trying new things. If you accomplish both of these, this means you are Living Life!

I may have shared this before....but one of my favorite stories about my Great-Great Grandfather William Borthwick, {He had a 3rd Grade education, started two successful businesses and died a couple months shy of his 101st Birthday a millionaire}. When my Dad came home from college he sat my Dad down and said, "Blair, you've told me what college taught you, you can't do. I didn't know I couldn't do anything, so I did EVERYTHING."

So the lesson & motivation here? Have life goals, try everything, & make mistakes that make you stronger and more successful. I guess, we all forget, no matter our age, that life is too short not to LIVE!

A perfect start to the week before Easter. We all need motivation to some renewal in our lives.

Happy Motivational Monday!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break Bright Idea

Sorry I've been away...But, we had a great Spring Break!

My in-laws came in from Connecticut for a week, then my Dad & Step-Mom came in from Honolulu for a week. It had been 2 years since I had seen my Dad and 18 months for my in-laws. They were visits that were well overdue.

We had a wonderful visit and the weather was perfect. But during the break, I had a "Light Bulb Moment"..................

Too obvious? Well, I couldn't help it!

I hated that awful "builders grade" pantry light. I kept trying to figure out how I'd change it.

Mini chandelier, mini lantern, hmmmm?

Then, it hit me! Mason jar! "I bet a mason jar would fit in the socket."

I was so excited to try WORKED!!!!

BEFORE Light Globe


Hard to see with the light ON...But you get the idea...better than builders grade, closet globe. It only took me 10 years!!!

Woohoo! Ding Dong the Light is Gone! I love it! My boys even said that my idea was doesn't get any better than that.

Tell me what YOU think!

A Few Spring Break Pictures~

My Wonderful, Very Supportive, In-Laws here for a Visit. She even made homemade Pesto! Awwweeesome!


6th Floor Museum Dallas, nearing the 50th Anniversary of JFK's death.

My son Preston took this of me....Blurry... They think I look similar to Jackie O., ...I wish!

The boys in the Museum gift shop looking ornery...and a bit annoyed at me for making them take this picture, LOL!

My Dad's Visit...They are so much fun, love spending time with the kids, playing games with us and the best part....they LOVE cooking! We had a BLAST! {Explantation on the pictures~ they stayed at my home this trip vs. my sister Heathers, (we switch off each year....ok...we fight over them, LOL!). When you have guests...Honesty Moment... when I have guests...I forget about the pictures!!! So ridiculous! So until someone send me good ones...this is my only proof they were even here. Typical! Oh well, at least we all had fun, LOL! Sorry!}

La Hacienda dinner after their flight home was canceled...Woohoo! One more night! And me looking awkward, obviously leaning back to make sure the boys were in the picture, Hee Hee!

Darby being spoiled by my Step-Mom! Well, look at that face....Could you deny that cutie?

Thanks for letting me share. I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break and first week of Spring. I have pictures to come of my Spring veggie garden and patio update. See you soon!

Happy Decorating & Happy Spring!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Motivational Monday

Thinking of Spring? Maybe Spring planting for your Summer garden? So am I...

I found this on Pinterest and pinned it to my Inspirations Board. I felt it to be very true! When you plant a seed, you fertilize, water, and really does require hope, faith and commitment.

Funny how something like an herb and vegetable garden, also reflects our life's goals. We plants seeds for our relationships, careers, children, religion, etc., and then nurture and wait. Life requires, hope, faith and commitment.

Sometimes the plants are stunted, get frozen by a freak freeze, scorched by drought, or even neglected by the reluctant gardener.

{I was so happy that some of these survived our Winter! My poor broccoli looks neglected and sad. But, this makes me excited about planting the new seasons "crops".}

So when you plant those Spring garden crops, think of those relationships and life choices you have committed to. Are you nurturing them? Even if you've neglected them, it's never too late to start working on them again.

I love this time of year. I'm always ready for a fresh start, in the garden and in my heart.

Happy March and Happy Gardening in your Life!