{First I feel I should explain my absence. I have had a bad bout with my asthma, that I have had since I was three. This round has been interesting. The new medication is not working well. Unfortunately, the countless medications in the past may have helped me breathe; but, the side effects were too extreme. So please bare with me as my weekly posts may not be as consistent.}
~ I picked up some great antique books in New Hampshire last summer. I think what made me love them, were their covers, illustrations and inscriptions. Not to mention, the bill for all three was $15.00! I loved that they seemed a little worn or as I like to see them…LOVED.
I have a LOVE of old books. I love the way the print in some are imperfect and even crooked. The illustrations are vintage and charming. I feel by surrounding myself in old books, it in many ways makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. I guess that is probably why beautiful public and private/home libraries are something I never get tired of visiting or designing.
{“The Rollo Books” by Jacob Abbott, 1855 publication}
I also love using the old/vintage illustrations for art in a room. I usually copy them and then frame them in simple or ornate frames, depending on the design and mood of the room and then you can even add decorative/color coordinating matting too. They are fantastic in nurseries, I have used them many times in the past. It is a way to bring in “hand-me-down” or family favorites into the home for all to enjoy even without opening up the book.
I also loved the inscriptions in these books. It made me almost sad they were in a store on a shelf and not in a home being cared for and appreciated.
{This was inside the “Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhyme Book”. Notice it says 1882. You just know that “Baby Paul” probably enjoyed this for a very long time. Now we are lucky enough to have it in our home.}
{This was in “The Rollo Books”, (Illustration of the Organ Grinder above, is from this book as well). I just loved the red cover and that some little girl probably read this over and over again.}
I felt this need to bring them home with me and give them a home again. They were chosen as gifts and the receiver's were loved. Now the books are welcomed into my home where they will be loved and cherished again. Books are something that outlast us all and can carry on treasured memories and ideals. It gives us an insight to a person’s interests and passions.
This 1800’s copy of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a must buy. I loved the cover and how it shimmered and how the color is still so vivid. They just don’t make books like these anymore. I love having them in my collection.
I am so glad that my boys get to see how books were made, loved and how they really are better than video games. Last weekend my son Preston (11), grabbed a copy of “The Swiss Family Robinson” at an antique store and just stared at it. Then he looked at me and said, “now I know why you love these so much. They make you want to read them”.
I hope you pick up some antique books and put them on your nightstand, desk or favorite reading spot and enjoy. Look at the illustrations and see if they would make that one room that needs a little something now feel welcoming. Antique books make a great gift to the one you love and for many years to come.
Happy Book Hunting and Happy Decorating!
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