Saturday, March 3, 2012

~ GBF Living Room Update~




I hope all of you are having a great weekend! last week I mentioned I would post my changes to the home.  I decided to update my home to a bit more neutral beige palette as much as possible without COMPLETELY starting over!

I wanted to share with you some Before and After photos of my week project. I still want to do a few more things, but it will take a garage sale and more planning, HA!

BEFORE Book Shelf~



AFTER Book Shelf~

Since this is next door to my kitchen I thought I would add some white china and try and add some white elements to the bookcase to brighten it. The tapestry used to hang in my nursery whe I was a baby. Someday I will get it reframed to something maybe a tad ornate. What do you think?


I had to add the framed copy of the Marriage Certificate of my Great-Great Grandparents from June 12, 1889. I love having those things around me.



         BEFORE Built-in Book Shelf (part of the entertainment center)~


AFTER Book Shelf~

I added drop cloth canvas to line the back of the shelves. I thought this might lighten them up since there is not a lot of light in this room.

I also added all the letters I saved growing up that both sets of Grandparents, Great Aunt’s & Great Grandmother’s sent me. It really is nice to be able to read back through them. It makes me miss them even more; but, yet they seem closer somehow.


   BEFORE Living Room (Christmas 2010)~

Sorry I did not have a better before picture.



AFTER Living Room~    

Notice I replaced the velvet curtains and topper. It was about time! It has been up for almost 10 years. It was refreshing to let in more light! These are canvas drop cloth from Home Depot as well as an unfinished rod I had cut and rings and brackets all purchased unfinished. I was able to do a combination of painting and staining to get just the right color. I was able to re-use the tie backs and sheers.

It cost me $120.00 for both windows. I was pleased this was the only money I spent in the whole house. So was my husband, HA!


I added the mirror from a dresser I am actually using in my office. I thought the color was so similar to the fireplace, that it might just work. The painting that used to be there, is now in the kitchen dinette. I think the mirror reflects more light in here now. 

The chair by the fireplace has already had a lot of use. My son Landen loves it to read in & Miss Scarlett our cat loves the antique foot stool of my Great-Great Grandmothers to sleep in, by the fire.                        





I had previously above the cabinets ornate black shelves I had turned upside down, they really looked neat. But, they were too dark and ornate.

I swapped them out for these matching trays from Horchow that my neighbor sold me at her garage sale for $5.00 for both! I think it gives it a more relaxed look.


The desk is a VERY well used spot. I have the lap-top in the desk and all my contact binders and desk supplies. This is where I blog, write e-mails and the boys even do their homework here in the afternoon. I love having my Grandpa’s baby picture & Robert Frost’s book of poetry here too.


Here I flipped the matting that was a dark green to the white side and added some old books and the Frog Prince plate I adore.



Miss Bridgette loves her bed in front of the fire. I used to have it under the window to the right of the fireplace and she uses it much more here. Much warmer I assume.


This was a storage closet under the stairs. I added an old garden gate I found at an antique shop. Then, we had a trim carpenter put trim around the gate to make it look like it was always there. Now it is our wine cellar.


This is across from the wine cellar on the way to the front door. I hope one day I will get better at taking photos…but until then, I hope you can still get the idea…


I am glad I changed the things I did. I wish I could change more; but, rather than spending too much, I was able to paint a few things off-white, bring out the white china pieces and took a lot of accessories down. Funny how just those few things made us all feel like it was much brighter and a cleaner look to the room.

I will post Before and After photos of the Kitchen, Master Bedroom and Formal Dining Room soon. I look forward to hearing what you all think of the change.

Happy Decorating~

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