Friday, March 30, 2012

A New Inspiration for Goose Bumps: “The Bronson Pinchot Project”~


                                        Courtesy of

So it’s Saturday afternoon during my boys Spring Break and I am done with housecleaning and have a moment to just RELAX. I decided to see what shows were on and stumbled on a new show on DIY Network called…

The Bronson Pinchot Project


Just check your local listings for DIY Network and look for your new obsession.  If you are the type of decorator that repurposes old & new, loves “shabby chic” design, then this is for you!

He lives in Harford, PA and found this 1840 Greek Revival home. He took it from Sad to Sumptuous and enhanced it’s TRUE beauty. His two side-kicks Mikey & C.J. are his right hand men. The do all the carpentry work, cutting and pasting of the homes Bronson has collected in town. There are several of them, including a carriage house. it is amazing to see the disrepair they are in and the beauty's they turn out to be.

EXAMPLE of the Inspiration Delight!~ Below, in this picture is a refrigerator…can you find it?

                                                                          courtesy of

It’s behind the left Bookshelf/Armoire~

He repurposed an old armoire, put it on hinges and when you open it from the right it reveals a fridge. The items he glued down and they are all items that have knick’s and scratches. They are perfect for gluing down, not for collecting anymore. BRILLIANT!

The cooktop is on the right on an old metal table, that was cutout in the middle to accommodate the cooktop. BRILLIANT Again!

This is not the greatest shot, (below),of the floors but they were my favorite part of this particular episode. They were sanded down original floors in this old home. Then, Bronson used a wax that has a white~ish tinge to it, then buffed. It gave it almost a pickled wood look, yet softer, and with the glow of the “Shoji White” walls, it was the perfect marriage!

                                                                              courtesy of



                                                                               courtesy of

Below, is a Grecian Temple in his back yard of HIS home, that he lives in, that is the main “Ginormahouse” in the show, in a Greek Revival style. So this Temple is feeling right at home.

                                                              courtesy of

I watched a marathon of this show and can’t get enough. The way his mind works and the way he puts it all together is just awesome. Not to mention he is funny too!

I suddenly had visions of me moving to PA and becoming a groupie!

                                                                                courtesy of

The cabinet, in the middle of the picture below, is hiding a refrigerator too! All of the modern day conveniences are hidden or obscured as to not take away from the integrity of the home’s age and style. I love this! I think this is nice in non-period homes too. It gets the eye clutter under control, and let’s you appreciate the design & love that went into the room.

                                                                            courtesy of

Can you tell I LOVE THIS SHOW?

You have to swing by DIY Network and catch it before the finale in April. It is a must see!

Here is a link to a youtube video of  The Bronson Pinchot Project~

Happy “Pinchot” Dreaming & Happy Decorating!~

Monday, March 26, 2012

Home Office Spruce–Up~

The Home Office is a place where SO much happens! At least for our family. At first my husband claimed it, when he was working at home. When he left to work outside the home, it was MINE!!!….Well, and Preston & Landen’s too.

So I had to make the office function for me, my husband and the boys.  I had to get creative and keep it cheap.  I brought in a dresser we had from our old model home to house all the papers, office supplies, mail supplies, and copy machine supplies. It was the perfect addition.



I brought in an antique table I have had as a desk in our living room, for several years now, and I moved the desk from the office out to the living room. It has been really nice. More space in the living room now and more work space in the office. Not to mention with our laptop and ipads, no need for the big computer. I was able to hide a little bit of the internet workings and family files under the table/desk. It’s less obtrusive this way.


You may have noticed we have two entrances to the office. When we built the house it only had the French doors. I asked to add the other door and that door leads to a exit door from our Master Closet. This is also a door to the hallway where we have the powder bathroom. That way we can sneak right to the office from the Master & from the office to the powder bathroom. It has worked out nicely.


I also added a little desk I got from my neighbor and that is great for the boys to house their homework supplies and papers as well as the current books they are working on. It opens on top in 2 flaps and has chalkboard paint on the interior. {I actually have a picture of the desk opened in a previous post}. They love it; although, sadly they are outgrowing it.

I love having this space in my home and it is always evolving, much like the rest of my home. But, this is what makes life exciting and FRESH!

Let me know what you think…

Have fun with your Home Office and Happy Decorating!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Master Bedroom & Bathroom Mini-Makeover~


As with the other rooms in my home, I wanted to add more Light and Bright elements to my bedroom. I know I probably sound like a parrot!

I think with all of the stresses of everyday life, I wanted to make things less cluttered and lighten them up. I am so used to “Knick-Knacks”, it has been hard to pair things down. Not to mention, I love having family mementos around the house.  Needless to say, choosing what to display and not display has been difficult. But, I’m getting there.

~My house is always in various forms of change. But, life is ever changing and therefore somehow it seems fitting~

SO… here is the Master Bedroom…. I really only changed the bedding & table lamps. This old picture is from over 3 years ago, hence the different bed.

I bought an off-white comforter, 80% off, WOOHOOO! at Kohl’s and the rest I had. Without changing drapes, furniture, etc. I think this helped a lot! My sister gave me her chocolate drapes when she changed out hers. I really like them, even though they are dark. I’m still not sure if those should go now too…still thinking.



We like it so far. It feels cozy, yet brighter just with the comforter change. Time will tell if I add, take away or completely change anything else.

This rug is actually off white background and for some reason shows reddish here. I also added a tray to the ottoman, much better for late night t.v. watching with a popcorn rest.


In the Master Bath I added my old drapes from the Master Bedroom to this space. It really feels inviting now especially when I dim the lights.

The tub I found at my great secret in Ft. Worth Old Home Supply. I could spend so much money in there! So many reclaimed architectural pieces and GREAT prices. I had the painters paint it the same color as my ceiling, when we built the house. I still love it.

The tray table, I got from my next door neighbor’s garage sale for $5.00 for a set of 3, I use it for extra towels. I love the vine and bird coat hanger I found a few years back at Ross for robes & towels. Have I said how much I LOVE Ross & Marshall’s?, They have furnished SO MUCH in my home. It just felt better than the typical robe hook I had in there before.

I hope you all Had or are Having a GREAT Spring Break! I had fun with my boys and also got some great cleaning accomplished, inside & out. I can’t believe Spring is already here…

To all of you a Happy Spring & as always Happy Decorating!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dining Spaces & Kitchen Update~


In repurposing and re-doing my living spaces, I had to make some decisions on what would stay and what would go. I decided to bring out all the silver and white ceramic items I had. Then, try to spread them out to bring more light to all the spaces. I decided to put away as much of the dark items and if I still liked them, maybe paint them white or off-white.  In this post I am showing you my Kitchen & Dining Spaces.

BEFORE Dinette~

AFTER Dinette~

I changed the position of the table, bench and chairs. I added the white table cloth too.  I do have my Spring Décor out as well; but even after the Easter Bunnies are gone, the white table cloth will stay. I think it softens the space. I also added thick, off-white, Matelassé covered pillows, to the moss green bench.

My boys are using the bench to read on now. Funny how just repositioning it…one turn,  makes it more welcoming to sit on. maybe it’s the view of the backyard and bird feeder? Whatever it is, it’s nice they enjoy it. You may have noticed I moved the painting that used to be above the fireplace and now the mirror is above the fireplace. I love the painting here, it filled the space and I think it made the dinette feel more French & cozier.


I think the white ceramic , rattan and silver pieces above the cabinet really helped lighten it up and reflect the light.


I feel like you notice the white crown molding more…


BEFORE Dining Room~

AFTER Dining Room~

I brought in a lamp and a burlap runner I had used in the dinette over the Holiday’s. I really felt that it made it more relaxed and softened all the dark colors.  Are you feeling a theme here? “SOFTEN”. I just felt that after almost 9 years here, it was time to lighten and soften the dark “Old World” style, that is still really popular here in Texas, and give a more casual feel to the home.  I love French Country and I think by bringing the ceramics & natural fabrics, it makes it more relaxed… maybe? I sure hope so. Most of my friends & family feel like they can always kick off their shoes and kick back anyway; but, hopefully even more so now.

*Bridgette couldn’t help it, there was a squirrel…





Next, look for my upcoming Post on my Master Bedroom & Master Bathroom update.

I did a tad bit in the office and I am still trying a few things in the game room. I’m not satisfied yet. The boys still like their rooms so nothing new there. The guest room? Well, I’m still waiting for the community garage sale in April. Then, when I let go of those décor items, I will have extra cash to redesign..LOVE THAT!!! It feels free that way.

I hope all of you feel, maybe a little less intimidated in updating your space and realize, it doesn’t always mean you have to spend money.  I have had fun, I hope you like the pictures. Tell me what you think!

Happy Decorating!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

~ GBF Living Room Update~




I hope all of you are having a great weekend! last week I mentioned I would post my changes to the home.  I decided to update my home to a bit more neutral beige palette as much as possible without COMPLETELY starting over!

I wanted to share with you some Before and After photos of my week project. I still want to do a few more things, but it will take a garage sale and more planning, HA!

BEFORE Book Shelf~



AFTER Book Shelf~

Since this is next door to my kitchen I thought I would add some white china and try and add some white elements to the bookcase to brighten it. The tapestry used to hang in my nursery whe I was a baby. Someday I will get it reframed to something maybe a tad ornate. What do you think?


I had to add the framed copy of the Marriage Certificate of my Great-Great Grandparents from June 12, 1889. I love having those things around me.



         BEFORE Built-in Book Shelf (part of the entertainment center)~


AFTER Book Shelf~

I added drop cloth canvas to line the back of the shelves. I thought this might lighten them up since there is not a lot of light in this room.

I also added all the letters I saved growing up that both sets of Grandparents, Great Aunt’s & Great Grandmother’s sent me. It really is nice to be able to read back through them. It makes me miss them even more; but, yet they seem closer somehow.


   BEFORE Living Room (Christmas 2010)~

Sorry I did not have a better before picture.



AFTER Living Room~    

Notice I replaced the velvet curtains and topper. It was about time! It has been up for almost 10 years. It was refreshing to let in more light! These are canvas drop cloth from Home Depot as well as an unfinished rod I had cut and rings and brackets all purchased unfinished. I was able to do a combination of painting and staining to get just the right color. I was able to re-use the tie backs and sheers.

It cost me $120.00 for both windows. I was pleased this was the only money I spent in the whole house. So was my husband, HA!


I added the mirror from a dresser I am actually using in my office. I thought the color was so similar to the fireplace, that it might just work. The painting that used to be there, is now in the kitchen dinette. I think the mirror reflects more light in here now. 

The chair by the fireplace has already had a lot of use. My son Landen loves it to read in & Miss Scarlett our cat loves the antique foot stool of my Great-Great Grandmothers to sleep in, by the fire.                        





I had previously above the cabinets ornate black shelves I had turned upside down, they really looked neat. But, they were too dark and ornate.

I swapped them out for these matching trays from Horchow that my neighbor sold me at her garage sale for $5.00 for both! I think it gives it a more relaxed look.


The desk is a VERY well used spot. I have the lap-top in the desk and all my contact binders and desk supplies. This is where I blog, write e-mails and the boys even do their homework here in the afternoon. I love having my Grandpa’s baby picture & Robert Frost’s book of poetry here too.


Here I flipped the matting that was a dark green to the white side and added some old books and the Frog Prince plate I adore.



Miss Bridgette loves her bed in front of the fire. I used to have it under the window to the right of the fireplace and she uses it much more here. Much warmer I assume.


This was a storage closet under the stairs. I added an old garden gate I found at an antique shop. Then, we had a trim carpenter put trim around the gate to make it look like it was always there. Now it is our wine cellar.


This is across from the wine cellar on the way to the front door. I hope one day I will get better at taking photos…but until then, I hope you can still get the idea…


I am glad I changed the things I did. I wish I could change more; but, rather than spending too much, I was able to paint a few things off-white, bring out the white china pieces and took a lot of accessories down. Funny how just those few things made us all feel like it was much brighter and a cleaner look to the room.

I will post Before and After photos of the Kitchen, Master Bedroom and Formal Dining Room soon. I look forward to hearing what you all think of the change.

Happy Decorating~