Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring is near!

I am feeling the warmer air here in Texas and I can already see I am feeling the reorganizing or "Spring Cleaning" itch!

I get asked all the time why I am so organized!... and is not because I am Obsessive Compulsive! I really just feel that if my home is disorganized, then A. I will end up waisting valuable time searching for one item and B. I just FEEL disorganized, when my home is disorganized. Then, I end up feeling angry, stressed and depressed.

So, having answered the why... now the how!

Start in one room and make piles: giveaway, trash, and "other rooms". This way you are not venturing from room to room feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Not to mention when you do finish the 1st room, it is instant gratification! Get a trash bag for trash and one for give away or a box is even better for giveaway items.  Don't forget to label which bag is which, if you are using bags.

If it is a bedroom, I recommend going through your clothes and deciding what fits and what doesn't.  If it does fit, when did you wear it last?  If it has not been worn in over 2 years, giveaway. If it is damaged, then more than likely, it is a throw away or fabric that can be salvaged.  Hold onto that item for crafts if you are the crafty type. For shoes, same process.

For office spaces, this time of year is crucial to be organized. Tax season is upon us and you need to get those documents in a designated folder and set the folder in a place that is easily accessible.  Go through your paperwork and purge or file.  This way you are ready for the new year and so are your files! Be sure that any private documents you are purging get shredded by a home office shredder or look around town for places that will shred them for you. A home office shredder is found at wal-mart for as low as under $25.00 online. They are nice to have on hand.

Now all those items that are in your giveaway pile, look over and decide if you want to sell on craigs list, put in a home yard sale or give to a local charity.  Some of those charities will even pick it up at your home and you can get a tax deduction for donations.  Craigs list or a home yard sale, is a great way to get extra decorating cash or help out with those unexpected taxes.

I also have a trick for you Moms out there. I let my boys go through their toys and this is not always easy...they get to decide what is no longer played with and needs a new home.  Whatever they get for those items at the garage sale or online, they get to keep and get a new toy or game. I do however limit them to 1 item each so I am not recreating the number of toys given away, LOL! This really does help teach them to organize and not hoard items.  I think all of us tend to think "I'll use it someday", but it can be overwhelming when those "someday items" takeover the home!

So get those trash bags, yard sale bags, giveaway bags and get sorting and organizing!

Have fun and be sure and look at my latest pictures of some homes I have decorated and design ideas for the Spring Holiday's. I will have more to come!

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