I love the idea of living in the South!
Southern living, sounds like porch swings, nice weather, ice tea sipping on porches, and long lovely summer days.
The heat is almost unbareable!
I try to make myself get up early to enjoy the 80* weather... Yes, I said 80 DEGREES in the EARLY morning! Can you say YUK? I like 80's but not at 7 AM. I know some people Love this weather. I personally would love a high of 80.
I try my hardest to think FALL, late October, will be here soon!
I've learned to think of Summer as project time. Get everything that I need to get accomplished before Fall & Winter weather hits, finished over the summer.
So what do I do over Summer?
1. Clean and Organize
This includes closets, drawers, under "things" (ie. deep dusting and cleaning), & purge, purge, purge!
2. Get Organized for the Upcoming School Year
The older they get, the more planning that's involved with school curriculums, electives, and extracurricular activities. I'm a Nervous Nelly, Worry Wart, whatever you want to call me...I get stressed about making sure all the i's are dotted, and t's are crossed, where their education is concerned. They both have very different goals, and that takes planning.
3. Get Ranch Clean-Up Done, & Ranch Projects Planned
Because "ranching" is still so new to us, there is a lot I'm still learning. There is also a lot to plan. We now know that we NEED a new barn, we NEED an arena and a round pen, and we NEED to get going on the new house. Now, that the current home we are in, is all ready...new dish washer, new washing machine,new toilets, new tile in the master bathroom...well, new subfloor and tile replaced, house painted, old shrubs taken out, trees trimmed, deck fixed and repainted, kitchen sink re-reinforced....
WOW, that IS a lot!
It's time now to get started on the new Farmhouse!
It's a long road from plans, to breaking ground. With a husband whose super busy with work, and ME, with an A Type personality that wants to get things done, this is a frustratingly long road. The biggest struggle is I can't help get the house started. I have to be patient. Patience for me, is a learned behavior...I'm still learning....deep breath. Everything happens for a reason.
The house will get done when it's meant to get done.
I enjoy being outside a lot. But in the spirit of not melting, I'm embracing Inside Summer Project Time, and Early Morning Outside Project Time. I'm enjoying my kids, and enjoying my animals even if it is only in short spurts in the AM and PM!
Patience keeping cool!
Stay Cool and Enjoy Your Summer!