I am still not quite sure what all the hype about "selfies" is, but, I thought I'd better try my hand at it, to catch up with the trend!
So what better subjects than my Animal family?
The day I took these, it was raining like crazy and cold. So I'm warning you ahead of time, that I look atrocious!
But, here they are...
Me and Miss Daisy~
This was actually taken a couple days ago...Baby Duke gave me kisses!
Momma Sandy, wondering why I'm interrupting her meal for a selfie~
Number 35 getting a little cheeky, Ha!
Farm Animal Family Group shot!
My Westies Mr. Darby on the left and Miss Bonnie on the right!
So, even though in most of the pictures I look like a deer in headlights, my furry friends look great!
I don't think "selfies" are for me...but it was kinda fun!
Have a great Weekend!