Monday, January 27, 2014

Inspirational Monday~

I always find it inspiring, when simple quotes make a BIG impact! If you watch the news, sometimes it feels less informative of the necessities in life, and more of a delivery of doom and gloom.

So often we hear of people wanting more money, more promotions, more "THINGS", (not excluding personal relationships), for nothing. No hard work, no manners, no effort! How did we end up like this?

I know I mention my 3rd Great Grandfather often, but I am constantly impressed and inspired by his fortitude. He had barely finished elementary school, and yet went on to own two successful businesses and from what I've been told was an amazingly funny and kind man.

This is what he told my I know I've quoted many times before...when my Dad was home from college, telling his Great Grandfather all about his schooling.

" Blair, you keep telling me what college tells you, you can't do...

I didn't know I couldn't do anything, so I did everything!"

"Dad", as everyone called him, was exactly the kind of person I'm inspired by, and exactly the kind of man I try to teach my boys to aspire to be. He died a few months shy of his 101st Birthday. His father was a teacher and farmer, who also died at 101, days after shucking an entire field of wheat. Giving up was not in the genes; but, hard work and kindness was definitely strongly woven into the DNA.

He always showed by example the elements in the inspirational quote from Pinterest, that I posted above. Hard work, using manners your parents taught you,(one more that I've added), and being kind, will bring amazing people and things to your life.

"Dad" Borthwick's home, that I was lucky enough to grow up visiting every Summer as a kid. These are my two boys getting to visit our old family home.

One of "Dad" Borthwick's businesses that still holds his name, in Honolulu.

So today, I hope you think of who or what inspires you to be a better person. Don't forget, that when you feel better about your own life and life choices, it somehow automatically rubs off on to others in your life.

Happy Inspirational Monday!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fresh Ideas For The Same Old Stuff!

As an interior designer, I get asked quite a bit, how to get your home looking FRESH, without breaking the bank. As a mom, and a "homeschooling mom", I'm always looking how to save money or not spend any money at all, and still get a fresh look in my home for very little money & effort.

This time of year, you've taken down all the Christmas decorations, and your still locked up in the house, (in most places in the U.S.), due to Old Man Winter. When you have the winter blues, a good way to bring some sunshine into the home is with a little greenery and a little furniture "switcheroo"!

It's a great time of year for cleaning, purging, and organizing too. I organized my master closet, and bought a few more organizational items.

The canvas boxes are a great way to store flip-flops, slippers, or any shoes your not using on a daily basis. This keeps your closet looking clutter free and your items dust free.

{Because we have a, "no shoes worn in the house" policy, I have the boys shoes in the canvas boxes and boots on the shelves below. This keeps the dirt, germs, etc. on our floors down to a minimum.}

The canvas garment bags, keep my summer items dust free and ready to wear.

I organized Glen's side too. It was really just dusting and de-cluttering. I added a night light and changed out the shade for a Crown Royal glass. The glass gives off more light and gives a masculine touch to his space. I added a few old books and the photograph of my Great-Great-Great Uncle George Freeth. He was the first lifeguard in California. My husband loves his story, and I thought a picture of George would be another old-fashioned masculine touch. I have always been inspired by Ralph Lauren's style...everything old is new again, and classy and luxurious spaces do not mean you have to sacrifice comfort.

I wasn't sure what he would think, and it turns out he loved it!


Our schoolroom got a new addition from a Hobby Lobby sale...Our new Chalkboard Map! Right now we are studying the 13 colonies and it is a great way to reemphasize our studies in geography and social studies/history.



Our living room got a new sofa before the holidays, so a little switching of the chairs from in the school room, lightened up the space even more. I brought back into the room, a little table for chess and a few playing cards, placed in an old condiment carrier, and of course a little chalkboard for score keeping. We are ready for games by the fire....My feeble attempt to snag those boys away from the video games!


I picked up this great longhorn at the Fort Worth Stock Show. I love using natural elements from your area, used as unique display pieces.

I couldn't pass this longhorn too was picked up at the Fort Worth Stock Show. I still use winter greenery and freshen them with a few other pieces of floral arrangement greenery. Adding the pheasant feathers gives it a rustic look. I love moss decorative pieces! Moss is a great way to bring life to your home during the winter months, reminding you Spring is on its way!

Keeping the teal color and my new white vases from Walmart...I LOVE Walmart, you never know what your going to find. Then, the last touch was a big white bowl full of lemons. We go through lemons like crazy! I use them a lot in cooking and lots of water and tea drinks with lemon. Lemons are bright, smell great and always make spaces feel clean and fresh.

NOTE: I have fake lemons too. Funny thing is, I get so many compliments on decorations where I use lemons! Who knew? So forget the bowl full of cherries....use LEMONS!!!!

In the formal dining room, I kept the aqua scarf on the table, brought in some outdoor urns I already had, stuffed newspaper inside them...added my humongous pinecones from the holidays and more pheasant feathers. On the buffet, I brought in a wire urn I normally use outside and more lemons! It keeps the feeling of Winter and yet I feel it's uncluttered and fresh feeling. Maybe it's just because it feels new. Sometimes the fresh feeling we are looking for, is just some space that feels "new". This can be using the same old stuff, in new ways and in non-traditional spaces.

Have a great rest of your weekend. You still have time to freshen up your home before the weekend is over!

Happy Decorating!


Friday, January 17, 2014

Questions I Get Asked As A Homeschooling Mom!

I get asked A LOT about the many aspects of Homeschooling.
I feel very inept at times, since we've only been doing this for a year and a half now. I'm not an expert by any means. But, I guess people are curious how our school is, compared to their public school or private school experience.

What do I get asked most about? ME...

To me, this is surprising. But again, I guess people just want to know, how in the world I would give up my "free time". Well, every mom out there knows that when your a "stay at home mom", there is no such thing as free time. Unless, you just have an incredible village of helpers, you are always busy.

But, I do know what they're asking....

So here are a few of the more specific FAQ's I get asked:

Do you get time to workout?

Time Management is KEY!

Yes, I workout in the morning before the boys get up or after "school". But, if I'm honest...that's when I workout, {as I laugh snort!}. After I got sick, that regular workout schedule went away. I've been trying to get that back, into my daily schedule...I'm actually working it into the schedule this week...the goal being 3 days a week. We shall see...

"Do you really get dressed and put make-up on everyday?"

Yes, for two reasons: One, because I live in Texas and that's a must!

Ok, all joking aside, the second and real reason, is I feel better and more awake when I'm dressed and ready for the day. I may have slippers on instead of cute shoes, but I'm dressed, and yes, with make-up on.

"Do you ever miss the free time you had while they were in school for housekeeping, grocery shopping, or anything shopping?"

I guess I miss getting my house clean early in the day. Now, I clean during lunch breaks or in the late afternoon before dinner preparation. I'm a stickler for a clean makes me feel more organized and it's healthier for me the "Asthma Queen".

For example, the other day I dusted the house during their lunch break, and folded a load of laundry...then, I put another in, while they were watching the 2nd part of Liberty! The American Revolution. I took them with me to the grocery store and I do that most of the time. They are old enough to stay at home alone for an hour or so; but, my thinking is, the more I keep them connected to what real life is; i.e.. lots of time management and planning, the more they will appreciate their free time, ie. video games and time with friends. I have them help me with making a list for meal planning and any other stops for the day, (pharmacy, dry cleaning, etc., etc.). Hopefully, they will appreciate this life lesson and not be shocked when it comes time for them to live on their own. Studying, and cleaning/chores, come before fun. Then, when you have a job, work comes first, then home responsibilities and then "play".

Side Note:

The boys help with all the housework, including laundry, vacuuming, dishes, doggie yard duty, as well as, trash and recycling throughout the week. Then, they have to work into their time, piano and golf practice before they get their "free time". Some days, they miss out on outdoor poor time management. Needless to say, that doesn't happen very often. They love their free time.

I do love how I get thanked when I help make up their beds on "sheets day", which is technically their maybe all of this is helping them appreciate real life and me...Smile!

Because, mom won't do your laundry, clean your apartment/dorm room, do your dishes, run your errands, do your shopping and make your bed when you go to college; well, most moms won't. And, with those chores, I also try to impress upon them that we are a family, and we all help each other. We all may have set chores, but that doesn't mean that when someone is really tired, or sick, that those chores go undone. I think this helps us all stay close and work together as a team.

"What happens when you get sick or have appointments?"

Well, much like a regular teacher, I do have a planned curriculum and lesson plans already made out. When I got sick after our Honolulu trip, they knew what to do and did it. They turned in their work and I graded it later. Then when I was back in the game, I went over the work that they had trouble with and adjusted the lesson plans accordingly. I think this helps in teaching them to be self-motivated and more responsible.

When we have appointments, we work ahead if we can, work later into the day, or have make-up days. It really is very easy. The key is to not stress out. One mom reminded me, that if we don't finish the year on time...what's the worse that happens? You go through the summer months. That made me relax. In other words, it WILL get done.

So far, we are on track and set for an early summer. We worked through what most kids had as Christmas break. This was because my husband was working. We decided to work every day except the day before Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. This will give us more time for Spring Break or an Early Summer. That's what's nice about homeschooling, YOU make the schedule. Then, more time can be spent with Dad, when he has vacation time.

I know some people who homeschool through the Summer months here, and take more time off in the Fall and Winter. This is due to the extreme heat here in Texas. Not a bad idea!

January meant reviewing material we needed to review, so we can move forward. Preston my 13 year old, who is currently a 7th Grader, is taking the ACT in February through DUKE TIPS. He is reviewing for that test, as well as his regular studies in 9th Grade Math and 9th Grade Honors English curriculum. And before you ask, no, I'm not expecting fantastic scores on the ACT...this really is a great experience to take the fear out of college entrance exams and use the results as keys for future curriculum planning. Due to his scores from the ACT Explore test last year, we were able to chose the appropriate level of English and Math for this year. It helped us see what he has mastered.

Landen my 5th Grader is studying both 5th and 6th Grade material. This is another nice advantage to homeschooling, as your child masters an area of study, you can move on. When your child needs more help or review, there is no rush...they get the time needed to master it. For Landen, he really loathes writing, so we have spent a lot of time getting him to relax and just WRITE!

So, if you are a first time homeschooling Mom, it's'll make it! If you are considering homeschooling, and it feels overwhelming, I promise, you can't mess it up, just research what style of homeschooling is best for your children and your family life, and the rest will fall into place.

Note: Pinterest is another fantastic tool for homeschool help and planning. I Pin a lot for our homeschool material or ideas to some of my homeschool subject boards.

"What type of Homeschooler are you?" "Do you do "Regular" Homeschooling or Un-Schooling?"

I call our style of homeschooling, Private School at Home.

I wanted a private school feel, since I went to Catholic School from Pre-School through High School, that is all I know. The only thing I added was a foreign language to our curriculum. Most private and public schools don't offer a foreign language until high school. I figured, the earlier, the better!

We have a math tutor in our neighborhood (thank God for her patience and fantastic support in Math and support for me!), a private piano teacher, who comes to the house (LOVE her and the convenience), and private golf lessons in our neighborhood. The boys have time for the later two activities, that we never did with public school. We study Spanish, Typing and I'm a lover of Art, U.S. and World History and English/Literature, so we probably spend a lot of time on those.

I try to incorporate a Literature lesson everyday. This year I have the Literature corresponding with the time line in our history lessons. I really feel this further solidifies the history lessons.

We have read Carry on Mr. Bowditch, ( a Newberry Award winning book), and finished a study guide along with it. Then, for the Holiday season, we read A Christmas Carol.

Right now, we are reading Common Sense, by Thomas Paine. I know what your thinking, if you remember Common Sense... Your reading that to a 5th and 7th grader? Yes, and do I have to re-read or explain a lot? Yes, but isn't that how we learn?

I think a lot of my frustration with the public school system, was what I called "the dumbing down" of our kids. So, as long as they understand enough to ask content related questions, I push the education envelope. I'm always adding a higher level of learning, to challenge them.

I know most of you have read Common Sense or all of you did, and only some remember reading it. This pamphlet, is what a lot of historians believe sparked The American Revolution. Common Sense was read in homes, churches, and meeting houses in Colonial America. Thomas Paine's pamphlet really should be read at the time of studying Colonial America. I read it aloud, and then take time to explain the content, due to the vocabulary and vernacular used. It has been interesting, the questions both boys have had, in regards to our current government and politics in the United States and around the world. This is my favorite part of teaching them, I love it! It means they are thinking and listening...not just hearing Charlie Brown's teacher!

I digress...

The last most common question I get asked....

"Will you ever send them back for High School?"

We have a rule in this house with pretty much everything, except financial planning, "one day at a time!".

So, if the boys really want to go back, they are ready as far as eligibility, I keep records and they are taking yearly standardized tests, (these tests are offered within the homeschooling community from the Stanford Benet, to the Iowa Basic). So, I am prepared. But, every time they get asked that question, they say they love homeschooling and don't want to go back.

There are a lot of High School kids that are technically "homeschooling for college" too. A lot of universities are offering online credits for college now. So, when some families may have financial concerns about sending there kids to college, there are so many options now, to keep down costs and still achieve a college education.

So far, my boys aren't sick of me yet!

Well, I hope that helps some new homeschooling moms, in some way, and any curious non-homeschooling moms too.

And in case your wondering, { I get asked this a lot too}, I am crazy!

Crazy about my kids and family time. My husband and I hope that we made the right desicion on behalf of their education. We hope that some day they will look back and are happy we made the desicion we made, when we made it.

But, what's most important in making decisions for your family, is trusting your instincts...they are almost always right. You can't make a mistake when your heart is in it and of course, don't forget to pray about it. I did, and I've never looked back.

Happy January! I'm Looking Forward to A New Year, of Fresh Starts, and a Fresh Perspective for New Goals: Personal, Family, Year Goals or Life Goals...

Happy Planning! Thank You for Stopping By... As We Say in the South, Ya'll Come Back Now!



Thursday, January 16, 2014

Introducing Guest Blogger Nikolas Baron {RE-POST}

Goose Bump Factor started as a way to share inexpensive decorating and organizing tips and ideas. Then, when I announced I was homeschooling my two boys a year ago, GBF developed into a blog that encompassed my new life as a homeschooling Mom, that also happens to be an interior designer.

I feel lucky to be a stay at home mom that has the opportunity to teach my children at home, and also have time for my other love...decorating!

But, as a new homeschooler, I am always looking for ways to simplify learning; as well as, maximize my time and resources. For the homeschooling parents out there that follow my blog, I think all of us are looking for writing tips and suggestions. Writing is so important, and for some of us, it does not come easily. So, any help for struggling students and parents alike, are usually very welcomed.

Well, lucky for Goose Bump Factor Followers, we now have Nikolas! He will contribute here and there on English, Grammar, and Writing Tips.

Welcome Nikolas!


I'm so excited to have you guest posting for Goose Bump Factor!

Here is a little note from GBF's new Guest Blogger...

"Hi, I'm Nikolas Baron. I live in foggy, beautiful, foggy San Francisco where I love going rockclimbing, drinking tea and reading. My job at Grammarly, an internet startup that makes an algorithmic proofreader, lets me spend most of my time researching how people are writing, what tools they're using and how they can improve their English."

Here is Nikolas' first Guest Post for Goose Bump Factor...Enjoy!

Top Five Trustworthy Writing Resources for Homeschoolers


My passion rests in researching and learning how to help others improve their writing and English skills. Whether it’s through what tools to use, what styles are trending, or the best writing improvement techniques, my work at Grammarly not only assists users but aids in enhancing our product strategy. Since writing is my passion, I thought I would share my writing tips and tools with the homeschool community and those interested in improving their writing skills.


A lot of topics can be tricky, even when you have all the resources of the Internet! Grammar, punctuation, syntax, diction, and style can be hard to learn and hard to teach. The rules of English change so much it’s hard for one to keep up! Plus, as children graduate from grade to grade, the complexity of each of these topics seem to grow as fast as they do. When you’re homeschooling, you want to give your kids all the best resources, and the Internet can turn out to be your friend! However, make sure to use it with care. It’s important to know which resources are handing out the best advice and correct information. I’ve collected my top five online writing tools I believe help create excellent syntax, correct sentence structure, good grammar, and teach the basics of awesome writing.


Here are my top five online writing resources.


1) Perdue O.W.L. (Online Writing Lab): I use the Perdue OWL all the time! It’s an excellent resource for learning grammar and mechanics, research skills, punctuation, citations for papers, writing well, teaching writing well. This site helps both the teacher and the student with the tons of resources available. The OWL even has resources for adults, including resources for professional writers and parents and help for cover letters and resumes. For a beginner or an expert, this is a tool even paid writers use all the time to improve their writing, style, and grammar.

2) This site breaks down all of the writing courses into different age groups--elementary school, middle school, and high school--to allow your child to get the help they need. Each child receives their own personal, certified teacher to lead them on the path to success. I’ve learned along the way that you can learn something from anyone, and you can’t be perfect at everything. It’s ok to reach out to a teaching website for additional instruction for your homeschooling program. If writing, grammar, and essays aren’t your strongest suit, this website can definitely be some help.

3) learning grammar: When your kids have to write long essays, use Grammarly for a grammar check. It’s easy to use, shows all the errors cleanly, and can improve word choice, which then improves vocabulary. It also catches errors that Microsoft Word can’t. I do love Microsoft Word for its word processing, but it doesn’t have the best grammar checker in the world. Trust Grammarly with your grammar, style, and writing improvement needs.

4) Son of Citation Machine: Eventually everyone’s young elementary school kids will grow up into thriving high school students with research papers and lengthy book reports that require many sources. Sometimes they’ll need to use APA and other times MLA. It’s important to know the difference between these two styles. Son of Citation Machine is an excellent teaching tool and website for learning proper citation.

5) IPL2: Longer papers and research papers can be a drag when trying to learn how to write them all on your own. If you want your children to succeed in learning how to write and research a paper, this website will be one of your best tools. IPL2’s step-by-step guide and links area will not only walk you through the research paper process but help you improve it with correct grammar, a proper thesis statement, organization, and citation!


That’s it! I hope you all learned a lot and that these websites help not only improve your child’s writing but make the learning fun! Happy writing!


By Nikolas Baron


Thank you Nikolas. I can't wait for more writing tips in the future!

And as Always Happy Decorating and Happy Homeschooling!