Sometimes I find myself stressing about people in my life, homeschool goals, personal goals, cleaning goals, daily goals, etc. etc. Some are really big, some are really small; but, as we all know, it adds up! Then, it starts showing in how we handle things emotionally and even scarier, physically. We get tired easily, more wrinkles, weight gain,'s not good!
But then I find myself asking "why?"
I usually talk myself off the "stress" ledge pretty quickly, or call in reinforcements like my husband, who always sees a silver lining or solution, or one of my favorites...girl time with my sister & friends, which usually is an instant cure through laughter.
But, it never hurts to see inspirational or motivational quotes like these. They remind us, life is short, it's ok to say no, to people and things in life that stress us out.
It sure isn't easy to change how we are hard wired. Especially if you worry a lot like me. I know I've blogged about this before. But, I know I'm not alone!
The first step in healing, is sometimes letting go. This can be expectations of ourselves or from others, friends, family, and even situations. I find myself at times second guessing lost relationships with friends/family, or just life choices, like jobs, schools, favors asked of me etc. etc.
It's never easy to say NO or let go...
Then, you remind yourself that God has a plan. Everything happens for a reason. You wouldn't be who you are or where you are without life's, trials, tribulations, joys and twists and turns. But, sometimes God's plan is for you to not sit and let things just "happen". He wants us to help and heal ourselves. Just like a parent helps their child grow and mature, by letting them make mistakes and learn from them.
This is difficult to embrace at our very low moments in life; but, necessary to heal and move on.
I know some of you are saying things does saying no to home-room-mom or no to volunteering at church count? The answer is YES! If you over extend yourself and it makes you stressed out, which you take out on your family and friends, then your overtired and get sick from lack of sleep, worrying about deadlines or pending events, stress, etc....YES, it counts. We need to take care of ourselves before we can tend to others needs. I think this kind of stress is thought of as a "girl thing"...but, admit it guys, this is you too! Saying no to the favor a friend asks, or volunteering for the little league. I'm not saying to say No. Some people need that in their life. I'm saying, say No when you know it's going to be too much. Don't say yes out of guilt or trying to please others. Say yes because it pleases you and life has time for it!
So remember, life is what YOU make of it, not what happens or is done to you. So stay positive, keep giving,(of yourself), to others and loving the way you want to be loved in return, and it will come back to you! Make time for life. Never give up on YOU...God hasn't!
Stay Positive, find things that make you Smile and Breathe.... Life is too short to stress.
Happy Monday & Much Happiness and less stress for us ALL!