Monday, February 25, 2013

Motivational Monday

Funny... just when we feel we've exhausted all the paths to find the answers in life's troubles, we are once again reminded everything happens for a reason!

Good, Bad, or Indifferent, there IS a plan for us. Trusting that isn't always easy, & that's why we call it FAITH!

I try to always find the positive in the negative remarks, grim news, defeating moments, or even the sad reflections that may be in my past. This way when those things seem to happen at the same time, or rear their ugly heads, I don't feel helpless or that my life is jinxed.

BUT....I'm a total LIAR if I tell you it always works! After all, I said "I Try".

So in my experience, if you don't laugh, you'll cry, or hit somebody...just kidding....well, the hitting part! I do have what I call "Ally McBeal" moments. You know, the ones where you punch the person your mad at and your fist goes through their head and your eyes bug out? It makes me feel like I could hit them if it came to that...Everyone needs to feel tough in moments where we feel defeated or beaten down. Keep fighting for Happiness and Hope!

So, when these moments of panic or worry come along, I'm better equipped. I'm a HUGE worrier! There are times I realize there Is no amount of chamomile tea, or let's be honest, wine, that will calm my nerves or mind.

So, as I've gotten older, frontal lobe development no longer an excuse, maturity settling in, and I'm not so embarrassed of my obvious flaws,{I've realized it's better to admit these flaws...},"everyone knows you have them anyway!" have to LAUGH!

Now that I'm 8 months from 40, {Not because 40 is "old", just because it seems like you should know yourself by then}, I'm guessing the opportunity to fix the fact that I talk too much & worry too much...well, lets just say, that ship has already sailed.

So, to make life easier...

1st, I surround myself with faithful friends and family. They already know I'm a worry weirdo and talk too much, so this relationship is important...they still like me and love me!

2nd, I try and make fun of myself and most of all, LAUGH at myself! This is a MUST! Don't take life too seriously, because, "So soon old, too late smart."-My Great Grandmother always said that to me, and it SO true!

3rd and Final, I Pin on Pinterest Inspirations, Motivations, and of course awesome decorating, homeschooling, cooking and FUN ideas. This makes me smile. Smiling is life's natural remedy to all that ails you and best of all, it's contagious!

So here are two Pins I had to share. Maybe they will make you laugh & inspired too!

I really want this shirt...seriously, It was made for me!

This...well, I need this on the mirror in my bathroom. This way I would see it every morning when I start a new day. Then, each night I would be reminded again, when maybe the day was less than pleasant, or maybe the day proved to be much better than the day before. Because, thus is SO TRUE!!!!

I hope I've helped motivate you to laugh at yourself, and most of all realize that each day is a new start, even if it takes a lot of days to get the one you were looking for..."just keep swimming" -Finding Nemo.

Follow me on Pinterest for more Inspirations and Motivations to make tomorrow what you want it to be.

Happy Monday~


Monday, February 18, 2013

Motivational Monday

Today is the first, of what I hope I can commit to, {giggle}, "Motivational Monday" Posts. I have always tried to stay positive and surround myself with people, books, poems, movies and environments that were positive and inspirational.

Now that I'm homeschooling, I find this to be a great life "lesson" to teach my boys. Leading by example is always good, but I wanted to talk about it with them too. This years' move to homeschooling was necessary; but, it has also been stressful. This is my first year after all; but, I'm already planning next year and feeling more confident. Teaching them how to self soothe, calm themselves and to allow themselves a mental "break", is important to me.

Having positive, sayings, poetry, reading material, and friends & family around, has been invaluable. For my children, my husband and me, this year has been a huge lesson in "Everything happens for a reason", "There is no such thing as coincidences" and "Patience is a virtue". Ok....I know, "cheeeeeeesey"! But, admit have those same quotes going through your head at times of need too!

I realized how much positive thoughts and phrases affected me and how I wanted to implement motivational tips, ideas, concepts and literature to my children's lives too. We all need that little boost of inspiration, motivation, and good thoughts coming our way. Life is busy and sometimes we forget what's really important and what really matters. When life gets tough, or what we perceive as tough, it sure is nice to read or hear positive thoughts.

When someone reads to us a quote, sends us an uplifting story or note; somehow, that reboots our inner self. The voice that keeps telling you your priorities, or that life will go on and eventully get better. When we reboot that inner self or voice, it's like a reset button. There is nothing better than getting a do-over, for your state of mind and attitude.

So, Motivational Monday's will be the tip or design idea that made my life easier, the saying I just had to Pin on Pinterest, or the story I just HAD to repeat.

I hope you join me and tell me what motivates, inspires and reboots you.

Here is the First Inspiration Post~

This quote by Abigail Adams, inspired me to get the chalkboard I made this last Fall, out of leftover plywood, hung up & finally useful. I am now using the board for words of the week from the SAT vocabulary flash cards, monthly facts and our current "class book".

I thought this way, when I read off the facts, words, etc, I could still be inspired by Abigail Adams and hopefully my children will be too!

What inspires you & keeps you going?

Happy Monday and Happy Decorating!




Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our "Puuurrrrfectly" Precious Music Loving Cat~

I just had to share~

Miss Scarlett our cat, has always loved music. When I would sing to my boys when they were little, she would run into their bedrooms to listen too. It always made me feel like I must have an ok voice, LOL!

Now that we have our piano, she is just hilarious! We have caught her pushing individual keys and even laying in the piano while we were trying to play it. Hence why it closed now...funny cat.

So I wanted to share these pictures of our funny, music loving, Miss Scarlett.

Have a Great Weekend & Happy Decorating!